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1. About the OlympusMons Awards
The OlympusMons Awards were set up by Huawei in 2019 for global academicians working in the field of data storage.
2. Vision
Data has become the key resource in the digital economy. The popularity of enterprise digital transformation, cloud, big data, 5G, and artificial intelligence (AI) promote the rapid development of applications such as core transactions, virtualization, high-performance computing, AI, and AR/VR, which in turn demand larger, faster, and more intelligent storage. Opportunities for subversive innovations hide in technologies like diversified computing power, new media, high-performance networks and intelligent data reduction algorithms. And it remains a huge challenge to streamline the application ecosystem, enable underlying foundational technologies, and build a new data storage architecture to optimize storage cost-efficiency and unlock the power of big data.
The OlympusMons Awards are intended to direct global academic research in data storage and facilitate the industrial application of such research, thus promoting mutually beneficial outcomes for the industry, universities, and research institutes. It will help the world tap into the benefits of digital technologies and transform industries toward an intelligent future.
3. Principles
1. Entries for the OlympusMons Awards will be scored on a fair, impartial, objective and professional basis.
2. The full execution of the preceding principle will be ensured through a restrictive system and process.
4. Purpose
This Memorandum is formulated to ensure the standard and fair scoring of entries to the OlympusMons Awards.
5. Awards
1. The awards are collectively called the "OlympusMons Awards." There will be two OlympusMons Award winners, one for each challenge, and one-to-two OlympusMons Pioneer Award winners if no OlympusMons Award winner was selected.
2. Winners (individuals and teams) will receive support for scientific research through a technical communication channel established with Huawei Olympus Storage Technology Innovation Lab.
6. Conditions for Entry
To enter the OlympusMons Awards, candidates must:
1. Be individuals or teams involved in data-related technology research;
2. Research in fields related to the challenges addressed by the OlympusMons Awards.
7. Range
We welcome entries from the data storage field, including but not limited to areas such as storage system architecture, media & media application, high-speed networks, storage algorithms, and data security.
8. Bonus
Each OlympusMons Award winner will be awarded CNY 1 million(about USD 137,883), and each OlympusMons Pioneer Award winner will receive CNY 500,000(about USD 68,941) in reward for their work. If no one is eligible for the OlympusMons Awards, the jury will decide whether to add one or two Pioneer Awards depending on the selection results.
9. Management Committee
The Management Committee is the operating and decision-making body established especially for the OlympusMons Awards. Its responsibilities include specifying the members of the Board of Judges and the Supervising Committee, ensuring the observance of this Memorandum, and ensuring fair scoring of award entries.
10. Review Committee
The Review Committee is composed of authoritative experts in the storage field. The Review Committee is responsible for the reviewing, screening and scoring of entry materials in accordance with this Regulation.
11. Supervising Committee
The Supervising Committee comprises accounting, legal, and audit professionals, and is responsible for advising on and supervising entry submittal, scoring, and conflict handling.
12. Judges
Judges may be:
1. Experts in universities or research institutes who are invited by the Management Committee;
2. Individuals who apply to be judges according to our criteria.
13. Entry Submission
1. The OlympusMons Awards are granted on a yearly basis. The challenges will be announced one year in advance. The submission, scoring of entries, and granting of awards will take place in the following year.
2. Entries will be scored in an objective, fair, just and rigorous manner in the following process: submission - initial scoring - final scoring - winner announcement and award presentation."
3. Candidates shall provide entry materials according to the template and send them to dataolympus@huawei.com by the specified deadline.
14. Scoring Criteria
Entries will be scored from the perspectives of technical and commercial value. To be specific:
1. Technical Value
Goal achievement: To what degree the entry tackles the challenge.
Innovativeness: Whether the entry applies new theories, methods, or techniques in resolving the challenge.
Maturity: To what degree the entry can be used in production or real-world application (verification, model, prototype, or mass production).
2. Commercial Value
Applicability: Whether the entry can be used for commercial application.
Extensibility: Whether the entry shows great potential for expansion.
Economic benefits: Whether the entry provides social or economic benefits.
15. Winner Announcement
Winners, including their names, organizations, research fields and challenges under which they have won the award, will be published on the OlympusMons Award website.
16. Use of the Title
Winners have the right to describe themselves in public (including on their resumes) as OlympusMons Award winners. Additionally, they shall display and use the OlympusMons Award title with its full name or logo as published on the OlympusMons Award website.
17. Confidentiality
All persons involved in the operation of and scoring for the awards are obligated to keep all related information confidential according to the non-disclosure agreement they are required to sign.
18. Disclosure and Avoidance
The judges shall promptly and proactively disclose their relationship with the candidates, such as their nominators, competitors, colleagues, tutors, relatives and so on. The Management Committee and Supervising Committee shall jointly decide whether a judge should avoid scoring an entry.
19. Publication, Amendment, and Interpretation of the Memorandum
This Memorandum shall be amended by the OlympusMons Awards Management Committee, jointly approved by the Board of Judges and the Supervising Committee, and interpreted by the Management Committee.
20. Implementation
This Memorandum takes effect from the date of issuance.
OlympusMons Award Management Committee
October 2022