Electric Power Multi-Station
Integration Solution
Maximize the value of existing assets and generate new revenue streams.
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Electric Power Multi-Station Integration Solution
From Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 5G, to Ultra-High Definition (UHD) video and the network of sensing things that defines the Internet of Things (IoT), all require far more computing, storage, and network resources than ever before.
Indeed, global market intelligence firm International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts that companies will create and process seven times more data over the next five years, placing further pressure on edge computing requirements. Yet, even today, urban areas are already facing a critical shortage of edge data center sites, making them the single most valuable asset for multi-station integration.
The Electric Power Multi-Station Integration Solution quickly allows power transmission grid services to gear up and meet the growing demand for edge computing, to guarantee the service continuity of key applications. Meanwhile, the solution maximizes the potential of legacy assets of power companies — substations, poles, towers, channels, and optical fiber — allowing customers to provide external services, optimize resource utilization, and generate new and profitable revenue streams.
Gain the Edge