  • HPC Lossless Ethernet and AI Fabric Network Technical White Paper

  • HPC Lossless Ethernet and AI Fabric Network Technical White Paper

This white paper explores the prospects of lossless Ethernet data center networks in HPC and AI scenarios. It also offers fresh insight into the latest technical research and commercial practice achievements in terms of network architecture, key technologies, commercial values, and best practices.

According to the white paper, lossless Ethernet technology adopts intelligent remote direct memory access (RDMA) and network scale load balancing (NSLB), which help to achieve zero packet loss and 90% ultra-high network throughput. Thanks to its unrivaled advantages in terms of network performance, compatibility, cost effectiveness, and flexibility, lossless Ethernet has become the first choice of HPC. Around the world, many countries and regions are proactively formulating policies conducive to the development of HPC and AI. We can see that lossless Ethernet is and will keep playing a key role in global digitalization.

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