Site Backhaul Network
Realize real-time, stable, and fully sensing industry sites.
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Site Backhaul Network
More and more control services in industries such as energy and transportation have now extended to the industry edge, developing toward least-staffed, even unstaffed, operations. As a result, industry networks must now provide high-quality bearing. But traditional site backhaul networks face three core challenges: complex multi-service access scenarios, limited evolution due to high customization, and difficult troubleshooting allied to poor security.
Huawei rolled out a Wide Area Network (WAN) — oriented to the electric power, transportation, and energy industries — to build a unified site backhaul network that offers wide coverage, intelligent operations and maintenance (O&M), and notable robustness, realizing real-time, stable, and fully sensing industry sites that are also future-proofed and ready to evolve.
NetEngine A800 Access Router
Die Router der Serie NetEngine A800 bieten One-Fiber-Multipurpose-Übertragung, einfachen Zugang zur Cloud und Plug-and-Play-Fähigkeiten.
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Huawei OptiXaccess EA5801E-GP16
Ein OLT, das nur 1HE Installationsplatz erfordert und alle Service-Anforderungen von Unternehmen erfüllt.
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SmartAX EA5800 Serie
Ein Full-Service-OLT, der s GPON, XG-PON, XGS-PON, und 10 GE-Zugang bietet und mehrere Netzwerklösungen unterstützt, einschließlich FTTO, FTTM, and FTTH. Durch die verteilte Architektur wird eine einheiltiche Übertragungsplattform für Breitband, WLAN, Video und Videosicherheitsfunktionen bereitgestellt.
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