  • Intelligent Oil and Gas Fields

    Implement intelligent operations through universal connectivity and computing


  • Overview
  • Solutions
  • Resources

Accelerate the Digital Transformation of Oil and Gas

As in all other industries, automation and intelligence are reimagining oil and gas production. Strict environmental oversight and compliance allied to a rapidly changing energy market is only accelerating this shift.

Huawei offers a range of solutions specifically tailored for oil and gas network connections, wellsites, oilfield campus, and production clouds. From full-stack networks and edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) to digital infrastructure and converged platforms, such state-of-the-art technologies are available to support the industry on its digital transformation journey. Indeed, through technological solutions, the shift to unstaffed and least-staffed, platform-based, clean, diversified, and intensive operations — all under centralized control — is already well underway.

  • Unpredictable Network Quality

    A lack of unified planning, complex Operations and Maintenance (O&M), and diverse security risks result in legacy networks that simply can't be relied upon.
  • Difficult Detection of Production Status

    Oil and gas fields are usually located in harsh environments, making site visits difficult and data collection hard.
  • High Requirements of Field Campus Operations

    Complex production processes involve diverse devices, making safety and stability difficult to assure.
  • Data Silos

    With different systems operating separately, mining data value is harder than it needs to be. Plus, production models are often unable to adapt to the complex reality of onsite conditions.

Efficient and Intelligent Oil and Gas Field Production

Oil and Gas Field Production Network

This industry-leading integrated network solution, specifically designed for oil and gas fields, uses a full range of wired and wireless networking technologies to create an effective solution that cuts through complexity. A single network carries oil and gas field production, video, office, and community services, streamlining architecture, O&M, and security.

Intelligent Central Processing Facilities Solution

Huawei's intelligent central processing facilities solution focuses on the core value of the central processing facilities (CPFs) while meeting the increasing demand for intelligent analysis at wellsites. It enhances intelligent operation management and control through digital technologies, improving management efficiency and greatly reducing production costs.