  • Smart Ports

    Make operations green, efficient, and safe.

  • Overview
  • Solutions
  • Case Studies

Choose Digital Technology to Enable Smart Ports

At ports — those key hubs of trade and logistics — cargo of all shapes and sizes leaves and arrives in seemingly ceaseless flows. Today, driven by technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 5G, port processes are becoming more and more automated, boosting efficiency across the board.

With a wide portfolio of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure, allied to extensive experience working with port operators, Huawei is a logical partner to turn to as organizations look to build up smart ports: choose digital and intelligent tools to make ports greener, more efficient, and safer than ever before.


FTTM Solution for Super-Distance Port Control

Leveraging the technical advantages of F5G networks — such as wide coverage, high bandwidth, corrosion-resistant fibers, passive ODN, high reliability and security — the Huawei FTTM solution for port super-distance control carries port control and video security services over one network.

Real-World Success