  • Industry Optical Communication Network

    Industry Optical Communication Network

    Building a Safe and Reliable Optical Communication Network


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Industry Optical Communication Network

The significance of secure and reliable communication networks cannot be overstated in sectors vital to national economies and public welfare, such as energy and transportation. In the past few decades, the SDH hard pipe communication technology has been mainly used in production networks.

With the evolution of industry digitalization, the demand for high-bandwidth production communication networks has surged to support a spectrum of emerging small-granularity services such as automated power line inspections, smart power distribution, intelligent highway monitoring, and intelligent toll stations.

Huawei's Industry Optical Communication Network solution leverages Huawei OptiXtrans series products and the fgOTN(fine-grain OTN) technology to build a reliable, simplified, and intelligent optical communication solution and ultimately facilitate the digital transformation of production networks.

  • fgOTN Standard Interpretation

    fgOTN Standard Interpretation

    Dr. Xiang Liu, senior ITU-T standard expert, fellow of IEEE&OSA, interprets the background, key technologies, and industry value of fgOTN standard

  • fgOTN Technical White Paper Interpretation

    fgOTN Technical White Paper Interpretation

    Liu Lichun, Vice President of Enterprise Optical Domain, interprets the fgOTN Technical White Paper

  • fgOTN(Fine Grain OTN) Technical White Paper

    fgOTN(Fine Grain OTN) Technical White Paper



Industry Optical Communication Network Solution

It is widely applied in production network scenarios in various industries such as electric power, transportation, and oil & gas. It uses technologies such as SDH/OTN/fgOTN to carry key production services such as management and control, ensuring secure and stable production.

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Huawei Electric Power Optical Communication Network

The solution uses the NHP technology to enable E2E physical isolation, smooth evolution, and high flexibility and efficiency. It supports stable and reliable operation of power systems.

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Intelligent Pipeline Optical Communication Solution

To align with the intelligent transformation trends and address the challenges faced by oil and gas pipeline management, this solution uses E2E NHP to meet the bandwidth and reliability requirements of unattended BVSs, HD pipeline CCTV, office services, as well as timely backhaul of oil and gas production data.

SE-OTN Solution

SE-OTN Solution

The SE-OTN solution helps industry customers quickly build an all-optical network that features ultra-broadband, high reliability, and easy O&M, providing large transmission capacity for AI-enabled industry production.

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Inteligentna kolej Huawei - optyczna sieć komunikacyjna

Zwiększone bezpieczeństwo, wysoka niezawodność i małe opóźnienia.


Urban Rail Optical Communication Solution

To address the new network requirements and challenges in the urban rail cloud era, this solution uses one optical fiber with two planes: the MPLS-TP ring protection switching (MRPS) plane is used to protect traditional services; the OSU plane provides ultra-broadband and high-quality channels for new intelligent services.


Intelligent Highway All-Optical Communication Solution

To align with the intelligent transformation trends and address the challenges faced by highway management, this solution uses E2E NHP to meet the bandwidth, security, and reliability requirements of toll collection, video, surveillance, office, and other highway services.


Huawei OptiXtrans E6600

Platforma MS-OTN OptiXtrans E6600 Huawei

Architektura MS-OTN i wysoka integracja 4-w-1 PCM/SDH/PKT/OTN wspierają płynną ewolucję w kierunku technologii transportu nowej generacji – płynnego OTN – zapewnienie wydajnego rozwiązania dla sektora energetycznego, transportowego, administracji, bankowego i innych branż.

OptiXtrans E9600

OptiXtrans E9600 Huawei

Inteligentna, zintegrowana optyczno-elektryczna platforma nowej generacji o dużej pojemności MS-OTN dla przedsiębiorstw ON2.0.

Huawei OptiXtrans E9624X

OptiXtrans E9624X Huawei

Inteligentna, całkowicie optyczna, konwergentna platforma transportowa zaprojektowana dla korporacyjnych sieci produkcyjnych, zapewniająca bezpieczną i niezawodną transmisję ogromnych danych produkcyjnych między sieciami szkieletowymi, agregacyjnymi i centrami danych w dużych miastach.


fgOTN in Fellow's Eyes - Dr. XIANG LI


fgOTN in Fellow's Eyes - Dr. XIANG LIU
Industry first fgOTN Compiant Product Interpretion


Industry first fgOTN Compiant Product Interpretion

Stories of Success

Guizhou Highway: Lighting Up Smart Transportation with F5G

Guizhou Highway: Lighting Up Smart Transportation with F5G

Guizhou highway is using innovative technologies such as F5G to transform transportation network infrastructure.

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Stosując F5G w transporcie, Huawei przyczynia się do budowy inteligentnej drogi ekspresowej dla Zhejiang Expressway Operation Company

Dzisiejsze drogi ekspresowe stają się coraz bardziej inteligentne, a możliwości kanałów zostały ulepszone dzięki zastosowaniu infrastruktury cyfrowej.

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Lighting Up Energy: CEM Deploys Future-Oriented OSU OTN Electric Power Plane B Optical Communication Networks

As the only electric power supplier in Macao SAR, Companhia de Electricidade de Macao (hereinafter referred to as CEM) provides power supply services spanning power transmission, power distribution, and the sale of high-, medium-, and low-voltage power. The company is responsible for power supply and distribution across Macao.

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Thailand MEA: Building a Highly-Reliable Power Communications Network

MEA's mission statement is to "innovate and operate a smart energy system to empower city life for smart living", which leads directly to its committed vision of "Energy for city life, Energize smart living". With such prominent forward-looking statements, how will MEA achieve its mission and vision?

air traffic list

China’s Southwest Air Traffic Control Bureau Digitalizes Air Traffic Control with Huawei’s All-Optical Transport Solution

As the new Tianfu Airport is more than 100 km away from Shuangliu, the Southwest Regional Air Traffic Management Bureau of the Civil Aviation Authority chose Huawei’s large-capacity OTN transmission solution OTN transmission solution to connect the four OTN networks and ensure the two airports operate effectively.

News and Events
