Converged IP Industrial Network
Constructing intelligent mine network infrastructure.
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Converged IP Industrial Network
Traditional service bearer networks in mines now face far too many challenges. For starters, industrial switch networks don't support 5G bearer network technology. Add to that, low ring network bandwidth, poor underground Wi-Fi coverage, and limited network scalability, and mines are struggling, and limited network scalability, and mines are struggling.
Production and office networks suffer from weak borders, too, with network monitoring and auditing methods that aren't good enough. Network security is simply not fit for task and, with multiple ring networks coexisting, maintenance is a real headache. Indeed, given that traditional networks like this are also unable to measure service quality, overall Operations and Maintenance (O&M) is hopelessly inefficient.
In this context, Huawei's Converged IP Industrial Network Solution, based on router products, brings significant benefits to mining enterprises. For example, a single network carries multiple services, eliminating the need for repeat construction. End to End (E2E) network security protection, from terminal access to data centers, meets graded protection requirements. And the solution's intelligent and simplified O&M implements visualized network management, supported by intelligent analytics.
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