伙伴证言:冯嵱——软通智慧科技有限公司 总裁。软通智慧是一家城市数据智能服务商,随着华为城市智能体业务的提速,双方多领域、全面深入合作。在坚定的战略执行中,我们通过技术共融、能力共进,致力于共创行业价值,赋能数字化转型未来。 Partner Voice: Feng Yong——iSSTech President. iSSTech is an intelligent urban data service provider, which continues to deepen its cooperation with Huawei, as Huawei accelerates its development of Urban Intelligent Twins services. In line with our strategy, iSSTech and Huawei are committed to creating industry value and enabling digital transformation.