Data Center Optical
Efficiently Transmitting Computing Power Between Data Center
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Data Center Optical Interconnection
Services between super and large data centers, such as data synchronization and service Disaster Recovery (DR), have resulted in surging traffic between data centers. In addition, parallel computing services such as 3D rendering, search, and cloud gaming all require collaborative computing between server clusters. In short, high-bandwidth, low-latency, and high-reliability networks are now required for Data Center Interconnect (DCI).
Turn to Huawei's Data Center Optical Interconnection solution to efficiently transmit computing power between data centers and effortlessly handle surging traffic.
OptiXtrans E9600
Plataforma MS-OTN integrada, inteligente, de nova geração, óptica-elétrica e de grande capacidade redes corporativas ON2.0.
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Huawei OptiXtrans E6600
Based on the MS-OTN architecture, the highly integrated optical-electrical convergence platform supports access of PCM, PDH, SDH, PKT and OTN services. The OptiXtrans E6600 is capable of evolving to the fgOTN technology defined by the ITU-T.
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iMaster NCE-T
Com visualização de recursos em tempo real, provisionamento de serviços ágil e tarefas de O&M de rede automáticas, o iMaster NCE-T atende aos requisitos de redes de interconexão de data center (DC) e de linhas privadas empresariais, oferecendo uma experiência de serviço inovadora e proporcionando flexibilidade e eficiência.
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