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  • Transmissão óptica
    — Huawei OptiXtrans

    Construção de redes de transporte empresarial ultra-banda larga, simplificadas e inteligentes.

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Por que a transmissão óptica da Huawei?

Largura de banda ultra-grande

Alto desempenho 100G - 800G, capacidade de fibra única 96T, óptica e elétrica em uma plataforma, flexível nas dimensões da placa e evolução suave para 1T / 2T.

O&M simplificados

Monitoramento em tempo real e diagnósticos inteligentes na rede em todos os níveis todas as vezes, cobre serviço, canal óptico, distância de falha de fibra de mais de 160 km.

Gestão Inteligente

Provisionamento de autoatendimento e ajuste automático de largura de banda/latência, reduzindo o time-to-market em 60%.

Selecione os Melhores produtos para o seu negócio

Product 1

Product 1

Huawei OptiXtrans DC908

Implantação simplificada em apenas oito minutos, banda ultra larga e alta integração (atualização suave de fibra única para 88T, suficiente para os próximos 10 anos), e O&M inteligente e proativo.

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Cenários de Aplicação

Huawei's Industry Optical Communication Network uses the latest fgOTN and OSU hard pipe technologies to build ultra-broadband, reliable, simplified, and intelligent all-optical communication solutions, facilitating intelligent transformation of industry production networks.
To comply with the digital transformation of governments and enterprises, the Office Optical Network Solution helps build all-optical interconnections oriented to the future development of government and enterprise services. It helps users construct ultra-broadband, simplified, secure, and efficient all-optical bearer networks to greatly improve service experience and carry diverse smart services and applications to drive digital transformation in various industries.
The national all-optical backbone network leverages the high bandwidth, long distance, and high reliability empowered by Huawei's advanced optical technologies. In this way, it supports the construction of national backbone networks, interconnecting national, state, and city networks, bridging the digital divide, and promoting national economy and people's livelihood.
Huawei Data Center Interconnect Solution OptiXtrans DC908 building a stable and reliable data highway.
Enterprises need far more private line connections and much higher bandwidth to promote their digital transformation and cloudification. ISPs need to upgrade their legacy networks to provide premium private line services to meet differentiated requirements of enterprise customers in different industries, thereby driving new growth of B2B services.
Optical fiber sensing is a new sensing technology that uses optical waves as the carrier and optical fibers as the medium to sense and transmit external measurement signals. It provides functions similar to those of the sensory nerve of a human body.

Notícias e Eventos