National Research and Education Network
Build an ultra-broadband, ultra-efficient network.
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Building a Network to Cope with the Demands of Big Data Transmission
In all eras, supporting research and education is key to improving national competitiveness. The digital era is no different. To this end, a National Research and Education Network (NREN) can effectively narrow the digital divide, strengthen communication and collaboration between educational and research institutions, promote resource sharing, and comprehensively improve the national level of research and education.
However building an NREN today is no easy task and it faces a range of serious challenges, from insufficient bandwidth to low reliability, and complex management. As the world turns digital an ultra-broadband, elastic, and intelligent NREN is now no longer just one option on the table — it's a necessity.
The Huawei NREN Solution uses next generation, intelligent routers with simplified and elastic architecture, intelligent ultra-broadband connections, and high availability at the IP layer. Single-slot capacity reaches 14.4 Tbit/s — more than 150% of the industry standard. A unique Routing Optimization Algorithm based on Matrix (ROAM) implements intelligent traffic steering and optimization, improving network utilization by 20%. The optical transport layer uses E2E Multi-Service Optical Transport Network (MS-OTN) architecture to carry multiple services, such as PKT, SDH and OTN. Single-slot capacity reaches 1 Tbit/s, and port-level L1 encryption is supported. Single-fiber capacity exceeds 96 Tbit/s, meeting growing requirements for large data transmission. In short, the Huawei NREN Solution helps to build an ultra-broadband, elastic, and intelligent network to satisfy any requirements for network connections and service delivery.
Together with industry partners, Huawei works with governments and educational institutions around the world to build future-oriented NRENs. Huawei helped build an NREN exceeding 100G for Brazil, for example: the Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP). In addition, Huawei helped to construct the China Education and Research Network (CERNET) and has worked on many other NREN projects in the UAE, Thailand, France, Italy, Mexico, and more.
Série NetEngine 8000
Roteadores inteligentes de serviço completo e de última geração, projetados para servir como nós principais de WAN corporativa, nós de acesso de grandes redes corporativas, nós DCI e saída de rede IDC em campus ou em larga escala.
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OptiXtrans E9600
Plataforma MS-OTN integrada, inteligente, de nova geração, óptica-elétrica e de grande capacidade redes corporativas ON2.0.
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Controlador Agile para WAN
O Controlador Agile-WAN, um componente central da solução IP WAN da Huawei, permite que as soluções de WAN baseadas na nuvem maximizem o valor das redes. O Controlador Agile-WAN tem recursos de gerenciamento sólidos e flexíveis que permitem a rápida implantação e o provisionamento de serviços de VPN em WANs. Ele pode automatizar o monitoramento, o planejamento e o ajuste do tráfego de rede com base em restrições definidas, melhorando o uso dos recursos da rede. Além disso, oferece garantias de SLA diferenciadas, recursos de rede gerenciáveis e visualizados e operação e manutenção eficientes. O Controlador Agile-WAN usa uma arquitetura aberta para oferecer suporte a serviços de rede básicos e à padronização northbound, além de permitir a abertura northbound da rede para reduzir dificuldades de interconexão e fornecer aos clientes uma experiência ROADS.
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iMaster NCE-T
Com visualização de recursos em tempo real, provisionamento de serviços ágil e tarefas de O&M de rede automáticas, o iMaster NCE-T atende aos requisitos de redes de interconexão de data center (DC) e de linhas privadas empresariais, oferecendo uma experiência de serviço inovadora e proporcionando flexibilidade e eficiência.
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Huawei OptiXtrans E6600
Based on the MS-OTN architecture, the highly integrated optical-electrical convergence platform supports access of PCM, PDH, SDH, PKT and OTN services. The OptiXtrans E6600 is capable of evolving to the fgOTN technology defined by the ITU-T.
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