  • Power Broadband Operation IP Network Solution

  • Overview
  • Benefits
  • Architecture
  • Products

Power Broadband Operation IP Network Solution

The rapid development of fiber networks brings new opportunities for electric power companies to expand their services. The National Broadband Development Plan and Universal Broadband Service require electric power companies to build fiber infrastructure. Service development poses higher requirements on networks, such as user management, fast service deployment, high network reliability, high bandwidth, simplified O&M, and high scalability. The cloud WAN IP bearer network aims to carry key services such as FTTH and VPN leased lines. Advanced technologies such as SDN, SRv6, FlexE, BRAS, and CGNAT are used to provide customers with flexible bearer, deterministic SLA, and intelligent O&M.


best MiniBNG

best MiniBNG

BNG-to-edge, CDN sinking, nearby service access, good user experience, reduced multicast replication, and metro bandwidth saving
High-Performance CGNAT

High-Performance CGNAT

Flexible deployment of distributed CGN boards, centralized high-performance VSUI-400, access of millions of users, and flexible software performance expansion
Protocol Simplified

Protocol Simplified

Comprehensive transport of massive services, simplified protocols, SRv6 hop to the cloud, and quick service provisioning
Determined SLA

Determined SLA

FlexE based network slicing provids hard service isolation
Slotted cross-connection, ensuring ultra-low latency
Multiple service beared in One network
Intelligent O&M

Intelligent O&M

NCE enables real-time service quality visualization
IFIT enables minute-level network fault location
Accurate prediction of resource faults

