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Huawei Accelerates the Digital Journey of Education, Creating New Value Together

[Shenzhen, China, July 7, 2021] The Huawei Global Intelligent Education Summit 2021 — themed Accelerate the Digital Journey of Education: New Value Together — has officially commenced today online. During the event, Huawei proposed the principle as "3/3/9", which will be the foundation of the all-scenario education solution that aims to speed up the digital upgrade of the education industry. Together with partners, Huawei aims to create new shared value by enabling innovative teaching methodologies, inclusive educational resources, improved research capabilities, and optimized management approaches.

"The education industry is seeing the inevitable deep integration of teaching and technology. The pandemic has made us realize that intelligent education has never been a more urgent demand. In the future, teaching, management, and research will become fully aware, fully connected, and fully intelligent. Joined by solution partners in the education industry, Huawei will help our customers transform faster towards all-scenario intelligent education," said by Thomas Xu, President of the Global Government Sales of Huawei Enterprise BG.

Thomas Xu, Huawei's President of Global Government Sales, presents online at the Global Intelligent Education Summit 2021

Thomas Xu, President, Global Government Sales, Enterprise BG, Huawei

“New ICT technologies are actively driving the innovative practice of higher education. Designing and organizing training based on capacity building can effectively help partner universities solve the problem of insufficient ICT application capabilities of teachers , Enterprises play a vital role of pushing and promoting the application of ICT technologies in higher education within the ICT-driven higher education innovation model. ”said by Prof. Zhao Jianhua, senior expert at the International Centre for Higher Education Innovation under the Auspices of UNESCO (UNESCO-ICHEI).

Professor Jianhua Zhao, Senior expert at UNESCO presents online at the Global Intelligent Education Summit 2021

Jianhua Zhao, Professor & Senior expert, Centre for Higher Education Innovation, UNESCO

Frank Huang, Director of the Global Education and Healthcare Industry of Huawei Enterprise BG, introduced Huawei's all-scenario education solution: "By building an intelligent education platform, Huawei's Intelligent Education Solution aims to meet the requirements of various campus service scenarios, support a variety of teaching applications, and integrate intelligence in all aspects of teaching, learning, management, and research."

Frank Huang, Director of Huawei's Education and Healthcare Dept., presents at the Global Intelligent Education Summit 2021

Frank Huang, Director, Education and Healthcare Dept, Global Government BU, Enterprise BG, Huawei

3/3/9 principle: Accelerating Digital Upgrades with All-Scenario Intelligence

At the summit, Huawei introduced the “3/3/9” principle of the all-scenario education solution. It targets "three" key customer groups: basic education, higher education, and NREN. It focuses on "three" major scenarios: smart classroom, smart campus, and research innovation. And finally, the solution offers "nine" customizable solutions:hybrid learning, collaborative classroom, digital classroom, intelligent collaboration, safe campus,school connectivity, smart campus network, NREN, and HPC. Together, "3/3/9" accelerate the digital upgrade of the education industry.

• Smart Classroom: The smart classroom features hybrid learning, collaborative classroom, and digital classroom. Huawei integrates the advantages of smart devices such as the IdeaHub Board, efficient network connections, and powerful and comprehensive cloud services to support teaching that uses a variety of media, the integration of online and offline learning, comprehensive collaboration, and innovative teaching models. Huawei Smart Classroom is serving more than 2600 universities and research institutions around the globe through solutions like 5G + AR surgery demonstration classroom, joint innovation centers, 360-degree smart classrooms, smart training rooms, and multimedia classrooms.

• Smart Campus: Technologies like IoT and Wi-Fi 6 enable a smart campus network with all-wireless coverage and network-wide automation, which builds an intelligent and open education environment, improves the interaction between students and teachers, and helps promote intelligent education in schools. Since October 2018, Huawei and Soochow University embarked on a journey of digital transformation. "Cloud-based Soochow University" is a smart campus project that goes beyond the traditional campuses, exploring the new form of future universities.

• Research Innovation: Huawei is actively working to meet the future requirements of online and cloud-based research. It is helping education and research institutions strengthen communication and collaboration, as well as promoting the sharing of educational and research resources as an important part of the digital transformation. Huawei is also streamlining the channels where researchers can obtain information through shared research network resources by providing cloud-based and convenient research services. For example, Huawei helped RNP (Brazil) build its first education OTN backbone network. Huawei's OptiX OSN 9800 platform — with its ultra-large capacity — resolved the network's main challenges in multiple long-haul scenarios, building a multi-service and block-free network beyond 100G.

Diversified Talent Development: Huawei Helps Deliver Inclusive Education Resources and Improve Research Capabilities

Basic education requires quality, balance, and personalization. To this end, Huawei offers student-centered hybrid learning and digital classroom solutions with the aim of delivering quality education resources to all.

According to N'dja Kole Jean-Baptiste, Headmaster of Lycée Classique Abidjan in Cote d'Ivoire, "Today, I personally experienced the live lesson function in two different classes. Teachers are now able to teach and reach a higher number of students online, meaning that the huge problem of a shortage of teachers can be overcome."

N'dja Kole Jean-Baptiste, HM of Lycée Classique Abidjan, in a video shown at the Global Intelligent Education Summit 2021

N'dja Kole Jean-Baptiste, Headmaster of Lycée Classique Abidjan

Huawei is actively working on cultivating qualified talent in the field of higher education. It is creating customized solutions that will go beyond traditional classrooms, spur on innovative teaching methods, improve research and innovation efficiency, and upgrade management. For vocational education, Huawei promotes the integration of education with hands-on industry practice by encouraging students' practical learning that will prepare them for the markets' demand for job-ready talent.

Xu Lei, Associate-Professor PhD at Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology, said, "Cultivating talent in vocational schools requires not only the transformation of traditional teaching models, but also the close binding between school and professional practice. We must focus on the most important task in vocational education: cultivating students' professional capabilities to provide market-ready talent."

In the research field, Huawei has launched the NREN solution, which applies the IP + optical hybrid model to provide high bandwidth, deliver reliable and low-latency services, and break through distance limitations to improve research efficiency.

"Huawei's technologies has enabled us to deliver a great variety of quality cloud services to our partners across the UAE — which has boosted efficiency, reduced costs, and facilitated collaboration across the education industry," said Fahem Al Nuaimi, CEO of Ankabut.

Work with Partners to Build an ICT Talent Ecosystem for Shared Industry Value

At the summit, Huawei reiterated its three strategic initiatives aimed at helping the education industry create digital education institutions that are part of a solid ecosystem. These are: (1) Gain in-depth insights into industry scenarios, explore industrial digitalization, and share educational resources to achieve inclusive and quality education. (2) Striving for mutual benefit, Huawei integrates the technical advantages of solutions and diversified incentive resources to enable partners in the education industry to reduce costs and increase efficiency, creating more possibilities for cooperation. (3) Work together with partners to build a foundation for ICT talent, and create a new industry-university-research ecosystem.

So far, Huawei has set up 1500 Huawei ICT academies worldwide. More than 3000 teachers have been certified as lecturers, and over 60,000 students are trained each year. Huawei has more than 60 partners in the education industry and has established OpenLabs in multiple countries to incubate joint solutions developed by Huawei and ISVs.

At the beginning of 2021, Huawei further optimized its partner policies in and outside China, and added general integrators to the existing five types of partners in sales, solutions, talent, investment and financing, and service and operations.

Huawei has upgraded both the ISV partner system and the planning and consulting partner certification system. In addition, it has added technical support to guide partners to provide solutions based on consulting. Last but not least, Huawei has upgraded the rights and interests of HUAWEI CLOUD strategic technology partners to achieve successful results for customers, partners, as well as Huawei.

"By converging technological innovation with high-quality professional ICT education resources, Tech Education empowers universities, enterprises, training institutions, and governments to cultivate ICT talent at scale. We wish to join forces with global Huawei partners to achieve business innovation and development, ultimately creating a prosperous talent ecosystem," said Lily Chen, Co-Founder and Vice President of Tech Education.

About Global Intelligent Education Summit

First held in 2015, Huawei Global Education Summit is a global ICT event organized by Huawei. The Summit is broadcast live around the world from July 7 to 8 and is themed Accelerate the Digital Education Journey: New Value Together. Joined by education scholars, administrators, teachers, and ecosystem partners, Huawei explores how to accelerate the digital transformation of education and together, create new value for the industry, universities, and research.