  • Huawei FTTM Solution for
    Smart Manufacturing

    Green All-Optical Manufacturing Network Featuring High
    Reliability, Flexible Expansion, and Easy Management and

  • Overview
  • Benefits
  • Architecture
  • Case Studies

Huawei FTTM Solution for Smart Manufacturing

Currently, traditional networks of manufacturing factories suffer from complex network cabling, harsh workshop environment, poor network reliability, and difficult network evolution. These hold back factories from going smart and digital.

Huawei's fiber to the machine (FTTM) solution for smart manufacturing uses the passive optical network technology to carry factory production, office, and security services on one optical network. The solution features a simplified two-layer network architecture, high security and reliability, flexible expansion, and simplified O&M.

Using Huawei's FTTM solution, customers can build networks that feature low costs, energy saving, easy management and maintenance, and flexible capacity expansion.

Gain the Edge

Economic network construction

Economic network construction

• Copper to fiber, cabling cost reduced by 60%
• Fast construction, labor costs reduced by 30%
• One network carrying all factory services
Green and energy saving

Green and energy saving

• Power consumption reduced by 30%
• Cable and cable tray space reduced by 80%
• ELV room and cabinet space reduced by 50%
Easy management and maintenance

Easy management and maintenance

• Centralized management and service delivery
• Plug-and-play and hot-swappable ONUs
• Intermediate passive optical splitter, free from maintenance
Easy capacity expansion and upgrade

Easy capacity expansion and upgrade

• Dynamic network adjustment and flexible capacity expansion
• Long service life of fibers, unlimited bandwidth, and upgrade without re-cabling


Huawei's FTTM solution for smart manufacturing is developed based on passive optical network technologies. It implements unified network access for factory customers using core switches, OLTs, passive optical splitters, industrial-grade ONUs, and campus ONUs. It also supports intelligent deployment and O&M using eSight, delivering a premium network experience for customers.


Real-World Success