Government Metro Optical Network
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Accelerate the Switch to All-Optical Infrastructure
At the 2020 World 5G Convention, the State Information Center of China officially released its All-Optical Smart City White Paper, proposing the concept of all-optical Smart Cities for the first time. This white paper advocates for the accelerated deployment and upgrade of all-optical infrastructure, in order to build Smart Cities with the kind of high-quality connections that promote innovative applications.
Then, in 2021, the government explicitly proposed to "strengthen the construction of 5G networks and gigabit optical networks, to enrich application scenarios." With the words "gigabit optical networks" written into a report for the very first time, Fifth Generation Fixed Network (F5G) technology suddenly took center stage, becoming China's new infrastructure focus. It remains so, today.
Against this backdrop, the construction of urban optical networks must be at the core of transformation efforts, worldwide. As a digital bridge between terminals and the cloud, such networks form the core infrastructure for Smart Cities.
Based on the Huawei F5G Intelligent OptiX Network Solution, the All-Optical Bearer Network for Public Services provides an all-optical service bearer network for Smart Cities. Such a network features multi-network integration, ultra-high quality, high security and reliability, energy saving capabilities, and intelligent and simplified Operations and Maintenance (O&M). As such, it provides an all-optical network foundation for e-government services, city governance, and industrial campuses. One network, for example, serves an entire city with network-wide latency of just 1 ms.
The F5G Urban Optical Network Solution integrates multiple service private networks through overall planning and intensive construction, reducing duplicate investments. The solution also meets the bandwidth and latency requirements of intelligent services over the next decade.
Gain the Edge
With next generation, simplified network architecture, the solution uses small box-shaped devices to receive services at the access layer, while larger modular devices aggregate services at the aggregation and core layers. The solution builds an ultra-broadband, reliable, and secure optical transmission network, where any number of 100G nodes (expressed as N x 100G) can be deployed.
The solution provides an all-optical base that supports overall e-government network planning, intensive construction, and 1 ms latency circles. It comprehensively improves network security through the End to End (E2E) isolation of multi-plane services. This means that the solution improves the collaboration capability of dynamic, refined, and intelligent scheduling for urban networks and cloud resources, supporting e-government construction.
OptiXtrans E9600
Plataforma MS-OTN integrada, inteligente, de nova geração, óptica-elétrica e de grande capacidade redes corporativas ON2.0.
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Huawei OptiXtrans E6600
Based on the MS-OTN architecture, the highly integrated optical-electrical convergence platform supports access of PCM, PDH, SDH, PKT and OTN services. With powerful unified cross-connect capabilities, the platform implements integrated multi-service bearing. The OptiXtrans E6600 is capable of evolving to the fgOTN technology defined by the ITU-T.
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iMaster NCE-T
Com visualização de recursos em tempo real, provisionamento de serviços ágil e tarefas de O&M de rede automáticas, o iMaster NCE-T atende aos requisitos de redes de interconexão de data center (DC) e de linhas privadas empresariais, oferecendo uma experiência de serviço inovadora e proporcionando flexibilidade e eficiência.
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