
The World Goes Digital with Smart Services


[Shanghai, China, September 29, 2020] At HUAWEI CONNECT 2020, audiences from around the world tuned into the online “Huawei Intelligent Operation & Maintenance (O&M) — Successful Cases and Future Solutions” session, led by Mr. Xun Su, President of the Digitization and Technical Service Department of Huawei Enterprise BG. According to Mr. Xun Su, Huawei will continue to lead the digital transformation across all industries. In order to achieve this goal, Huawei has adopted a holistic approach that includes investment, cloudification, intelligent O&M, and smart services. 

Xun Su, President of the Digitization and Technical Service Dept. of Huawei Enterprise, discusses digital transformation

Xun Su, President of the Digitization and Technical Service Department of Huawei Enterprise BG

Following are the 3 key takeaways from Mr. Sun Xu’s presentation:

1. Going digital: A national strategy for major economies

According to the United Nations (UN) ICT Development and Country Indexes, over the past 15 years the digital development momentum in the United States, European Union, and China, has consistently outperformed the global average digital development momentum. This signals the significant positive impact of digitalization on domestic growth and development, and realizing the internal and external potential of a country. Countries are realizing more and more that digital capabilities are not just about reducing costs and increasing efficiency. They are in fact a major driving force of innovation and breakthroughs in business and government models.

2. Huawei helps reshape various industries

Official statistics for 2020 show that over 55% of all organizations in the world are in a digitalization process. At the same time, vertical markets are changing and generating new business models. After a decade-long process, Huawei has now fully digitalized various internal domains such as R&D, sales, supply chain, services, and finance. This has accelerated its successful growth and global expansion and provided a wealth of experience which we share with our customers. To date, 253 Fortune Global 500 companies have selected Huawei as their partner for digital transformation.

Recently, Huawei released its Enterprise Service 2.0 strategy, which aims to share experience in advanced technologies with customers and partners. To do so, Huawei has invested more than US$200 million to develop intelligent service platforms and leading service solutions, incentivize partners, expand the service ecosystem, and cultivate top talent. In the near future, Huawei will make additional strategic investments to further support the digitalization of our customers and establish their business success.

3. Customers define services in digitalization 

Digital transformation is essentially business transformation. It is a long-term systematic project. Drawing on Huawei's experience and that of other industries, a holistic approach with a solid blueprint is necessary to design a top-quality architecture. Once it comes to implementation, it is best to start small and grow step by step. This reduces complexity, boosts confidence, and facilitates the transformation process, ultimately allowing for quick expansion and benefits during each step of the way.

At the same time, digitalization requires investments. According to Huawei, it is better to restructure existing networks, systems, and services, instead of completely starting from scratch. During the transformation, platforms can inherit accumulated capabilities for future improvement, more adaptive processes, and independent evolution. 

To achieve this, Huawei Digital Services is focused on five key capabilities in digital transformation: consulting and planning, industry cloud enablement, intelligent O&M, smart operations, and service ecosystem.

1. Consulting and planning: Huawei helps customers through the digitalization process by designing a top-level digital architecture based on the customer needs, outlining the digital blueprint, and building basic cloud-based and centralized enablement platforms. To date, 300 of our customers have gone digital with a Real-time, On-demand, All-online, DIY, and Social (ROADS) experience.

2. Cloud enablement service: This service creates value from cloud and data, focusing on cloud building and migration, big data, and Artificial Intelligence. For example, Huawei's Highway Free-Flow Tolling Solution automatically identifies vehicle plates on highways across China, reducing the time it takes a vehicle to pass the toll-booth to 2 seconds. Huawei's TrafficGo Solution enables intelligent traffic light control, reducing traffic congestion by an average of 15%. 

3. Intelligent Operation & Maintenance service: Based on the ShenNong centralized O&M platform (IMOC), Huawei's intelligent O&M service visualizes the management of all objects, compresses and filters huge amounts of alarms, and quickly determines the fault location. The experts also offer O&M consulting, design, and onsite O&M support. Through “platform plus experts plus AI”, customers can detect potential risks on networks and improve O&M efficiency by 30% and system availability by 20%. Huawei O&M service solutions have been widely used in smart transportation, city, energy, and other projects.

4. Digital operation support: Huawei is currently focused on customizable solutions for digital operations. It is building a digital operation system with assets, platforms, applications, and business scenarios that fully unleash the potential of each element. Huawei believes that data and information will become key intellectual assets for decision-making and implementation. They will provide event insight, associative analyses, predict trends, develop countermeasures, learn, and ultimately think. With the Huawei Digital Operation Support Service, customers build competitiveness through business model innovation and achieve platform-based, visualized, and more efficient operations.

5. Service ecosystem: Building a service ecosystem is one of Huawei's core strategies. Compared to 2019, Huawei has added 1,000 new partners, growing the ecosystem by 30% from 3,800 to 4,800. These partnerships reach beyond traditional integration and basic assurance services to service applications in industries, such as smart airports, power grids, and finance. By 2025, Huawei expects to have more than 10,000 ecosystem partners.

Intelligence enables innovation, while services connect the future. Together with our customers and partners we will face emerging challenges related to digital transformation, and embrace the new digital world. 

HUAWEI CONNECT 2020 is an annual flagship event hosted by Huawei for the global ICT industry, and is being held in Shanghai from September 23 to 26, 2020. HUAWEI CONNECT is an open platform designed to help our customers and partners navigate these changes, share experience, and work together to create new value. At this year's event, we will explore trends and opportunities in industry digitization; showcase advanced ICT technologies, products, and solutions; give you an insider's look at the fruits of joint innovation; and share best practices in digital transformation. Our ultimate goal is to build an open and sound industry ecosystem that will benefit all stakeholders and create new value for all industries.