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Li Yangming

Chief Representative of the Oil & Gas Sector, Huawei Enterprise BG

B.A., Department of Mathematics, Xiamen University; MBA, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University; Visiting Scholar, Stanford University.
Professor-level senior engineer, former member of China Petroleum Information Leading Group, China Petroleum Information Planning Expert, Director of Changping Data Center, and Chief Information Technology Expert of China Petroleum Oriental Geophysical Corporation
Former General Manager, Beijing CNPC Richfit Information Technology LLC
He has more than 30 years of informatization experience. He has worked as a project manager in charge of multiple large-scale group-level projects such as informatization planning and HR system construction of PetroChina, and in charge of the digital transformation project of PetroChina Oriental Geophysical Corporation.
He has won several ministerial-level scientific and technological progress awards and the best CIO in China.
IT Management in the Oil and Gas Industr