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PLN and Huawei Sign Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Power Digitalization


[Dongguan, China, May 29, 2023] Today, Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) — Indonesia's national electric power company — and Huawei signed a strategic cooperation agreement on power digitalization. In attendance at the signing ceremony were Darmawan Prosodjo, CEO of PLN, Yusuf Didi Setiarto, Director of Legal and Human Capital Management of PLN, David Sun, CEO of Huawei's Electric Power Digitalization BU, Nicolas Ma, President of Huawei Asia-Pacific Enterprise Business Group, and Zhao Maiqing, CTO of Huawei Home Broadband Products. The agreement was signed by Hartanto Wibowo, Director of Corporate Planning and Business Development of PLN, and Long Guo, CEO of Huawei Indonesia.

PLN and Huawei Sign the Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Electric Power Digitalization

With years of cooperation in home broadband and power digitalization, the two companies signed the agreement, which specifies that they will cooperate extensively in five areas: FTTH business, OT digitalization, ICT infrastructure, talent development, and joint innovation centers.

Darmawan Prosodjo, CEO of PLN, making a speech at the ceremony

At the meeting, PLN's CEO Darmawan Prosodjo, said that PLN is at a crossroads of innovation, and must adopt innovative thinking in choosing the right digitalization path. Against the backdrop of shared challenges to humankind and the global trend of energy transition, PLN should embrace digital technologies to keep abreast with the changing times. In the future, the cooperation between the two parties will go beyond FTTH. PLN and Huawei need to jointly innovate in power digitalization scenarios to provide higher-quality services for Indonesian people and enterprises.

David Sun, CEO of Huawei's Electric Power Digitalization BU, also giving a speech at the ceremony

David Sun, CEO of Huawei's Electric Power Digitalization BU, said that the two sides will further cooperate in terms of FTTH and power industry digitalization, and that digital technologies will be the core productive force in the future. He went on to say that through in-depth cooperation, the two sides can jointly tackle the challenges of the electric power industry and help PLN achieve safe, efficient, green, and innovative transformation with digital technologies.

With this cooperation agreement, PLN's strengths in services and resources will be complemented by Huawei's technological and talent advantages. The two companies will cooperate extensively in multiple scenarios such as 'one fiber, multi-service', power distribution IoT, data security, and network infrastructure. With 5G, computing, cloud, optical, and datacom products and capabilities, Huawei will help take the cooperation to new strategic levels.

For more about Huawei's electric power digitalization solutions, please visit: Electric Power | Smart Grid Solutions | Huawei Enterprise.