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    Urban Rail eLTE
    Private Network Solution

    LTE-M Broadband Trunking Network Helps Smart Urban Rail Construction.


  • Overview
  • Benefits
  • Architecture
  • Products
  • Resources

Urban Rail eLTE Private Network Solution

The urban rail industry requires train-to-ground wireless networks to carry services such as train control, train dispatching, PIS/CCTV and trackside IoT etc. The traditional urban rail communication systems require : 2 RATs (Wi-Fi and Tetra) and 4 networks (Three Wi-Fi networks are used to carry CBTC, PIS, and video surveillance services, and one Tetra network is used to carry dispatching).

Traditional solutions face many challenges: CBTC control signal over Wi-Fi are easily interfered and are not stable in high-speed scenarios. The traditional TETRA solution supports only voice services and cannot meet the requirements of video services. The network is complex and difficult to maintain.

LTE-M (Metro) is a 4G TDD LTE-based wireless train-to-ground communication solution for urban rail transportation. It ensures continuous, reliable, secure, and uninterrupted urban rail communication and carries multiple services such as CBTC, trunking dispatch, PIS, and CCTV. Simplified networking reduces maintenance difficulties. Simplified networking reduces maintenance difficulties. Dedicated frequencies and multi-level QoS mechanisms are used to ensure system security and reliability, and stable operation of key CBTC services.


90 service continuity

One network carries multiple services

One network carries multiple services, including CBTC, trunking dispatching, PIS, and CCTV, replacing the traditional complex Wi-Fi and TETRA networks, reducing CAPEX and OPEX

Continuous Security

Stable and reliable, 99.999% availability

Multiple level redundancy design: The base station boards support 1+1 redundancy; Network element level 1+1 redundancy; Dual-layer wireless network redundancy

ultra fast speeds

High-speed movement up to 200 km/h

Support automatic frequency correction and multi-site co-cell algorithms to ensure continuous coverage in high-speed scenario

210 business handling

Powerful QoS capability to ensure CBTC

9-level QoS mechanism of LTE, different scheduling levels for different services, preferentially ensure the stable operation of the CBTC


urban rail lte m architecture en

One network carries multiple services

CBTC,CCTV, PIS, Dispatching

Traditional urban rail communication systems require : 2 RATs (Wi-Fi and Tetra) and 4 networks (Three Wi-Fi networks are used to carry CBTC, PIS, and video surveillance services, and one Tetra network is used to carry dispatching), the network is complex and difficult to maintain. LTE-M solution can carry multiple services on a unified network, reducing CAPEX and OPEX.


High reliability: Multiple level redundancy design ensure stable and reliable communication system,The base station boards support 1+1 redundancy; Network element level 1+1 redundancy; Dual-layer wireless network redundancy

High Speed : support automatic frequency correction and multi-site co-cell algorithms to ensure continuous coverage in high-speed scenario.

High Priority: CBTC signals are preferentially transmitted in the case of network congestion. 9-level QoS mechanism of LTE, different scheduling levels for different services, preferentially ensure the stable operation of the CBTC.

Abundant industry partners

IOT Test with more than 10 mainstream ecosystem vendors in the industry, providing a rich and complete end-to-end ecosystem.
CBTC (Alstom, Bombardier, Siemens, CRSC, Thales)
PIS (Neusoft, Tieke Jingwei, Transcend Communication
Terminals (SCT, GBCOM, 712)




Stazioni base distribuite DBS5900

Il DBS5900 è un dispositivo di accesso wireless per la soluzione di rete privata a banda larga wireless eLTE che fornisce funzioni di accesso wireless, tra cui la gestione dell'interfaccia aerea, il controllo degli accessi e della mobilità e l'allocazione delle risorse degli utenti. Inoltre, è in grado di soddisfare le esigenze degli utenti del settore per l'accesso wireless a banda larga e le comunicazioni multimediali critiche, ottenendo una migliore copertura ed esperienza utente. Infine, adotta una struttura modulare, con l'unità di banda base BBU e l'unità radio remota RRU distribuite separatamente, possiede dimensioni ridotte e garantisce un basso consumo energetico, un'installazione flessibile e una rapida implementazione.

product 01

EV751 Vehicle Radio

EV751 is an integrated vehicle-mounted station for broadband trunking services on enterprise networks. It has a 5-inch semi-transparent semi-reflective TFT screen and supports P2P calls, group calls, DMO, SMS, MMS, broadband data access, smart Apps, interconnection with vehicle-mounted cameras, and multi-service concurrency.

product 02

EP821 Broadband Trunking Handset

EP821 is a high-end broadband trunking hand-held terminal with a large screen, that provides powerful functions including private calls, group calls, SMS and MMS, broadband data access through LTE enterprise net and public net, video dispatching services, and concurrent transmission of multiple services. The EP821 provides a high-luminance 5-inch touchscreen and runs the Android Operating System (OS). The EP821 can be widely used in many industries that have no special requirements, to provide professional trunking dispatch, multimedia dispatch, and broadband data transmission functions.


UEN (Unified Enterprise Node)

La soluzione UEN di Huawei offre reti private 5G di classe carrier ad alta affidabilità che integrano funzioni complete di rete core 5G, come AMF, SMF, UPF, UDM, PCF e AUSF. Viene utilizzata prevalentemente per le reti private aziendali, che coprono principalmente i settori dell'energia elettrica, dei trasporti, dei campus e della produzione, offrendo ai clienti un'esperienza 5G eccezionale.
