Fiber Sensing Solution for Perimeter Security Protection
Build a smart perimeter with a new generation of AI-powered optical fiber sensing.
Prodotti, soluzioni e servizi per le aziende
Next-Generation All-Optical Sensing, Safeguarding Perimeter Security
Frequent intrusions of railways, airports, and large perimeters bring about major disruptions and losses to property, personal safety, and the safe operations of the area. Complex weather and environments — including vegetation, animals, pedestrians, vehicles, wind, rain, snow, fog — put much pressure on the reliability, adaptability, and stability of perimeter protection systems. Perimeter protection — which traditionally requires largely manual efforts — is transforming into a more sophisticated type of technical protection. Due to its easy deployment and cost-effectiveness, the vibration optical cable is suitable for detecting various intrusions along long-distance fences, such as irregular and sheltered fences. This is why it is regarded as one of the most important technical measures for protecting large perimeters such as railway and airport perimeters.
Gain the Edge
The overall architecture of a perimeter security protection solution is similar to that of an oil and gas pipeline warning solution. The main differences in a perimeter security protection solution are as follows:
(1) Optical cables are deployed on fences.
(2) The SAE sensing algorithm adapts to perimeter intrusions based on global environment features and eliminates interference from nature such as wind, rain, and small animals, implementing zero false negatives and anti-interference. It is also able to continuously evolve.
(3) The solution can flexibly work with the intelligent image identification feature of a video surveillance system to double check warnings, further improving user experiences.
Huawei OptiXsense EF3000-A50
Huawei OptiXsense EF3000-A50 è un sistema di rilevamento distribuito in fibra ottica in grado di identificare rapidamente e con precisione le minacce e segnalare gli allarmi in tempo reale grazie alle fibre ottiche distribuite lungo le condutture. Implementa un sistema di allarme online 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, lungo gli oleodotti e fornisce la migliore soluzione per l'ispezione non presidiata di oleodotti e gasdotti.
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Huawei OptiXsense EF3000-F50
Huawei OptiXsense EF3000-F50 è un sistema di rilevamento distribuito in fibra ottica progettato per la protezione della sicurezza perimetrale. Il sistema è in grado di identificare rapidamente e con precisione le intrusioni e di segnalare gli allarmi utilizzando le fibre ottiche instradate nelle recinzioni perimetrali per implementare il monitoraggio online in tempo reale e gli avvisi di sicurezza. Inoltre, fornisce un'ispezione non presidiata per la protezione di grandi perimetri, come quelli ferroviari e aeroportuali.
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