Huawei MiniFTTO Solution
Building a premium network for small and micro campuses
Prodotti, soluzioni e servizi per le aziende
Huawei MiniFTTO Solution, the Ideal Network Deployment Choice for Small and Micro Campuses
Small and micro campuses face challenges such as poor network experience, difficult O&M, difficult fault locating, miscellaneous network devices, insufficient equipment room space, and one-by-one device commissioning.
Based on F5G technologies, the Mini Fiber To The Office (MiniFTTO) solution features innovative media, architecture, and O&M, extending fibers to every corner of campuses, and providing a premium experience.For small and micro enterprise scenarios with less than 100 information points, such as chain stores, SOHOs, hotels, and pre-schools, the solution provides all-optical networking featuring flexible and simple devices, cost-effective network construction, and one-click management on mobile apps, helping massive small and micro campuses achieve business success.
Based on F5G technologies, the Mini Fiber To The Office (MiniFTTO) solution features innovative media, architecture, and O&M, extending fibers to every corner of campuses. It helps small and micro enterprises build a simplified optical network with easy O&M and provides users with a premium Wi-Fi 6 experience.
La serie di prodotti OptiXstar estende la connettività ottica a ogni abitazione, azienda e campus, rendendo le famiglie più vicine e le operazioni aziendali molto più efficienti.