Huawei FTTH Solution for IAP
All-Optical Intelligent Network for Premium User Experience
Prodotti, soluzioni e servizi per le aziende
Huawei FTTH Solution for IAP
With the rapid growth of bandwidth-hungry services such as 4K, 8K, VR, and HD video, the fiber to the home (FTTH) industry has attracted wide attention from operators, and is now in a period of explosive growth. By building high-quality broadband with premium gigabit experience, optimal return on investment (ROI), and intelligent O&M, Huawei's innovative FTTH solution has been adopted by more than 350 leading global operators and ISP customers, which is making it the first choice for global customers to build fiber to the home (FTTH) networks.
Terminali ottici
La serie di prodotti OptiXstar estende la connettività ottica a ogni abitazione, azienda e campus, rendendo le famiglie più vicine e le operazioni aziendali molto più efficienti.
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Serie SmartAX EA5800
I dispositivi Huawei della serie OptiXAccess EA5800, tra cui SmartAX EA5800-X17, X15, X7 e X2, creano reti di accesso e di aggregazione intelligenti, ecologiche e a banda ultralarga.
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