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    Acelere a Inteligência
    nas Indústrias

    Huawei Latam ICT Summit 2024

    27 a 28 de agosto | Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Não fique de fora, junte-se a nós!

O Huawei Latam ICT Summit 2024 está próximo, portanto, anote na sua agenda: o evento será nos dias 27 e 28 de agosto, no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Não fique de fora!

Nossa sociedade está entrando na era da inteligência. Tecnologias digitais e inteligentes, como conectividade, nuvem e IA, tornaram-se não apenas fundamentais para as operações diárias, mas também essenciais para aproveitar oportunidades e garantir um crescimento sustentável. A Huawei permanece dedicada a capacitar as indústrias, integrando perfeitamente essas tecnologias com cenários industriais e colaborando com parceiros para fomentar ecossistemas mutuamente benéficos para o desenvolvimento social sustentável.

Neste evento, a Huawei apresentará uma série de produtos e soluções inovadoras de TIC sob o tema “Liderando a Infraestrutura para Acelerar a Inteligência Industrial”. Estamos ansiosos para interagir com nossos clientes e parceiros e assim compartilhar inovações e práticas em diversos setores, por isso o convidamos a se juntar a nós em discussões sobre o desenvolvimento da indústria de TIC na América Latina, no Caribe e ao redor do mundo, ajudando assim a tornar a nossa vida melhor, os negócios mais inteligentes, a sociedade mais inclusiva e o mundo mais ecológico. Também convidaremos líderes de opinião do setor para discussões abertas, para que possamos explorar em conjunto as infinitas possibilidades da transformação inteligente.


 Tony Sze

Presidente da Huawei Enterprise América Latina

According to data insight provider GlobalData, the global cloud ecosystem is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 25.3%, reaching US$720 billion in 2022. Critical to such growth, Data Center Interconnect (DCI) serves as the key infrastructure connecting data centers.

However, DCI solutions are not only about connection capacity. Additional features such as simplified O&M, intelligence, and security are now necessities, not extras, in an increasingly complicated world. Such features are integral to Huawei DCI solutions.

According to data insight provider GlobalData, the global cloud ecosystem is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 25.3%, reaching US$720 billion in 2022. Critical to such growth, Data Center Interconnect (DCI) serves as the key infrastructure connecting data centers.

However, DCI solutions are not only about connection capacity. Additional features such as simplified O&M, intelligence, and security are now necessities, not extras, in an increasingly complicated world. Such features are integral to Huawei DCI solutions.

According to data insight provider GlobalData, the global cloud ecosystem is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 25.3%, reaching US$720 billion in 2022. Critical to such growth, Data Center Interconnect (DCI) serves as the key infrastructure connecting data centers.

However, DCI solutions are not only about connection capacity. Additional features such as simplified O&M, intelligence, and security are now necessities, not extras, in an increasingly complicated world. Such features are integral to Huawei DCI solutions.

According to data insight provider GlobalData, the global cloud ecosystem is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 25.3%, reaching US$720 billion in 2022. Critical to such growth, Data Center Interconnect (DCI) serves as the key infrastructure connecting data centers.

However, DCI solutions are not only about connection capacity. Additional features such as simplified O&M, intelligence, and security are now necessities, not extras, in an increasingly complicated world. Such features are integral to Huawei DCI solutions.

According to data insight provider GlobalData, the global cloud ecosystem is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 25.3%, reaching US$720 billion in 2022. Critical to such growth, Data Center Interconnect (DCI) serves as the key infrastructure connecting data centers.

However, DCI solutions are not only about connection capacity. Additional features such as simplified O&M, intelligence, and security are now necessities, not extras, in an increasingly complicated world. Such features are integral to Huawei DCI solutions.

According to data insight provider GlobalData, the global cloud ecosystem is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 25.3%, reaching US$720 billion in 2022. Critical to such growth, Data Center Interconnect (DCI) serves as the key infrastructure connecting data centers.

However, DCI solutions are not only about connection capacity. Additional features such as simplified O&M, intelligence, and security are now necessities, not extras, in an increasingly complicated world. Such features are integral to Huawei DCI solutions.

According to data insight provider GlobalData, the global cloud ecosystem is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 25.3%, reaching US$720 billion in 2022. Critical to such growth, Data Center Interconnect (DCI) serves as the key infrastructure connecting data centers.

However, DCI solutions are not only about connection capacity. Additional features such as simplified O&M, intelligence, and security are now necessities, not extras, in an increasingly complicated world. Such features are integral to Huawei DCI solutions.

According to data insight provider GlobalData, the global cloud ecosystem is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 25.3%, reaching US$720 billion in 2022. Critical to such growth, Data Center Interconnect (DCI) serves as the key infrastructure connecting data centers.

However, DCI solutions are not only about connection capacity. Additional features such as simplified O&M, intelligence, and security are now necessities, not extras, in an increasingly complicated world. Such features are integral to Huawei DCI solutions.


Keynote | HNS

10:00 - 12:10 | Rede Inteligente Xinghe, Acelerando a Inteligência Industrial
10:00 - 10:10

Acelere a Inteligência Digital na América Latina

Daniel Zhou | Presidente de Huawei América Latina
10:10 - 10:15

Uma nova fundação inteligente, Criando novas oportunidades

Yang Chaobin | Diretor, Presidente de Produtos e Soluções de TIC, Huawei
10:15 - 10:35

Xinghe Intelligent Network, Acelerando a Inteligência Industrial

Leon Wang | Presidente da Linha de Produtos de Comunicação de Dados, Huawei
10:35 - 10:45

Lançamento de produtos e soluções de rede inteligente Huawei Xinghe

Daniel Zhou | Presidente da Huawei da América Latina
Leon Wang | Presidente da Linha de Produtos de Comunicação de Dados, Huawei
Tony Sze | Presidente de Enterprise da América Latina, Huawei
Wesley Wang | CEO da Huawei Enterprise Brasil
10:45 - 11:05

Inovações do Wi-Fi 7: moldando o futuro da prosperidade digital

Edward Au | Editor técnico do IEEE 802.11be (Wi-Fi 7)
11:05 - 11:15

Banco do Brasil trabalha com a Huawei para construir uma rede de campus financeiro de alta qualidade

Gustavo de Avelar Costa | Executive Manager of Bank of Brazil Branch
11:15 - 11:25

Malha inteligente Xinghe da Huawei, liberando o poder diversificado da computação

Wu Qin | IETF IAB Member
11:25 - 11:35

Rede Multi-DC Ultra-Resiliente Ajuda a Atualizar a Infraestrutura do Bradesco

Renata Wowk | Gerente de Infraestrutura Bradesco
11:35 - 11:50

Xinghe Intelligent Network Security, construindo um sistema integrado de defesa de segurança de rede inteligente para empresas

Alexander Neth | Especialista Chefe de Pesquisa em Segurança, Centro Europeu de Pesquisa da Huawei
11:50 - 12:00

Net5.5G acelera a transformação de WAN inteligente para setores

Tayeb Ben Meriem | Vice-Presidente do IPv6 Forum Co-Presidente do WG 4 da WBBA
12:00 - 12:10

Atualização do programa IP Club e premiação de membros Elite


Developing Universities in the Intelligent Era

Prof.Yao Jianlin | Vice President, Soochow University

Developing Universities in the Intelligent Era

Prof.Yao Jianlin | Vice President, Soochow University

HNS Forums | Xinghe Intelligent Campus Session

14:30 - 15:45
14:30 - 14:35

Observações de abertura

Pedro Wang | Diretor, Departamento de Vendas de Soluções e Marketing da Huawei Enterprise da América Latina
14:35 - 14:50

Campus 10 Gbps de alta qualidade, Foco na experiência, A escolha perfeita para a sua jornada Digital e Inteligente

Steven Zhao | Vice-presidente, Linha de Produtos de Comunicação de Dados, Huawei
14:50 - 15:00

Totalplay faz parceria com a Huawei para acelerar a transformação digital corporativa

Enrique Dibildox | Diretor de Produto, México Totalplay
15:00 - 15:10

Infraestrutura digital avançada: FiberX e Huawei colaboram para acelerar a inteligência do setor

Thiago Oliveira | Diretor de Desenvolvimento de Negócios, FiberX
15:10 - 15:15

Q&A Interativo

15:15 - 15:25

High-Quality Branch Campus permite que as empresas criem uma rede de filiais simplificada e eficiente

Allen Wang | Vice-Presidente, Domínio de Rede de Campus, Linha de Produtos de Comunicação de Dados, Huawei
15:25 - 15:35

A solução SD-WAN da Huawei acelera a transformação do Banco do Brasil para a era digital com a experiência ideal

Bruno Silva de Oliveira | Gerente de Equipe IP, Banco do Brasil
15:35 - 15:40

Q&A Interativo

HNS Forums | Xinghe Intelligent Fabric Session

14:30 - 15:45
14:30 - 14:35

Observações de Abertura

Luciano Wang | Brasil Enterprise Solution Dept, Huawei
14:35 - 14:50

Huawei Xinghe Intelligent Fabric, impulsionando a era da IA

Arthur Wang | President, Data Center Network Domain, Data Communication Product Line, Huawei
14:50 - 15:05

Huawei Network Digital Map + Demo

Henrique Cesar Melo Dos Reis | Senior Product Manager, Brazil Enterprise Network, Huawei
15:05 - 15:20

Q&A Interativo

15:20 - 15:30

Huawei faz parceria com a Compwire para criar uma rede de data center aberta e heterogênea para o cliente

Eduardo Anhaia | Gerente de Produtos, Compwire
15:30 - 15:35

Q&A Interativo


Developing Universities in the Intelligent Era

HNS Roundtables | Xinghe Intelligent WAN Roundtable

14:30 - 15:45
14:30 - 14:35

Introdução à Abertura do MC

14:35 - 14:40

Comentários de Abertura

Zuo Meng | Presidente, Metro Router Domain, Linha de Produtos Data Communication, Huawei
14:40 - 14:50

Construção de redes e desenvolvimento de padrões IPv6 na era digital

Wu Qin | Especialista chefe em padrões com comunicação de dados da Huawei, membro do IETF IAB
14:50 - 15:00

[Discussão Aberta] Qual é o ritmo de evolução adequado para a construção do IPv6? Quais são as principais tecnologias na WAN que podem ajudar os clientes na transformação digital?

15:00 - 15:10

[Compartilhamento de especialistas] Inovação da solução WAN inteligente da Xinghe

Guilherme Alexandre Ferrari | CTO, Brazil Enterprise Business Dept, Huawei
15:10 - 15:20

[Discussão aberta] Oportunidades e desafios enfrentados pela transformação digital corporativa

15:30 - 15:35

Fotos & Resumo


Developing Universities in the Intelligent Era


Developing Universities in the Intelligent Era

HNS Roundtables | Xinghe Intelligent Network Security Roundtable

16:30 - 17:35
16:30 - 16:32

Introdução à Mesa

Henrique Cesar Melo Dos Reis | Gerente de Produtos Sênior, Brasil Enterprise Network, Huawei
16:32 - 16:37

SASE Market Trend Insight

Henrique Cesar Melo Dos Reis | Gerente de Produtos Sênior, Brasil Enterprise Network, Huawei
16:37 - 16:52

[Discussão Aberta] Na transformação digital das empresas, os serviços se tornam a tendência. - Quais oportunidades e desafios as empresas enfrentam em cenários multi-filiais? - Como as empresas reduzem custos e melhoram a eficiência por meio do SASE?

16:52 - 17:02

[Compartilhamento de especialistas] Solução SASE HiSec da Huawei e vantagens competitivas

Cai Jun | Vice-presidente, domínio de segurança de rede, linha de produtos de comunicação de dados, Huawei
17:02 - 17:07

Insights de tendências do mercado de proteção contra ransomware

Henrique Cesar Melo Dos Reis | Gerente de Produtos Sênior, Brasil Enterprise Network, Huawei
17:07 - 17:22

[Discussão Aberta] - Quais são as tendências, os pontos problemáticos e os desafios do anti-ransomware? - Quais são as medidas de proteção eficazes para as empresas lidarem com ataques de ransomware?

17:22 - 17:32

[Compartilhamento de especialistas] Introdução e compartilhamento de competitividade da única solução anti-ransomware do setor com vínculo dispositivo-rede-armazenamento

Cheng Xiuya | CTO, domínio de segurança de rede, linha de produtos de comunicação de dados, Huawei
17:32 - 17:35

Resumo da discussão aberta, apresentando os pontos de valor das soluções SASE e anti-ransomware da Huawei

Mike Ma | Presidente, domínio de segurança de rede, linha de produtos de comunicação de dados, Huawei

HNS Forums | Datacom Commercial and Distribution Market Session

16:30 - 17:25
16:30 - 16:45

Observações de abertura + Interpretação do mercado de Commercial Distribution Market da América Latina

Nick Li | Diretor, Huawei Latin America Enterprise Commercial & Distribution Sales Dept
16:45 - 16:55

Introdução às soluções de Commercial Market da Huawei e à competitividade + Lançamento de Novo Produto

Kevin Yang | Vice Presidente, Data Communication Solution Department, Huawei
16:55 - 17:05

Huawei e HexaIT dão as mãos para uma era compartilhada

17:05 - 17:15

Produtos e soluções de rede do eKit da Huawei para PMEs

Wellington Cassiano da Silva | Especialista Sênior Produtos eKit, Brasil Enterprise Network, Huawei
17:15 - 17:25

Promover a inovação de NaaS para impulsionar o crescimento do mercado de PMEs

Wang Hui | Presidente, NCE Data Communication Domain, Data Communication Product Line, Huawei





Explore the HEIGHT of the Intelligent World

Developing Universities in the Intelligent Era


Explore the HEIGHT of the Intelligent World

Developing Universities in the Intelligent Era


Explore the HEIGHT of the Intelligent World

Developing Universities in the Intelligent Era

Keynote | IDI

10:00 - 12:00 | Data Awakening: Construindo uma Infraestrutura de Dados pronta para IA líder
10:00 - 10:05

Discurso de abertura: Acelerando a Inteligência Digital na América Latina

Daniel Zhou | Presidente da Região da América Latina, Huawei
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
10:05 - 10:20

Mundo orientado a dados: explorando novas tendências em data centers

Pietro Delai | Diretor de Pesquisa, Infraestrutura de Dados Mundial, IDC
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
10:20 - 10:45

Redefinindo o Armazenamento de Dados na Era do Despertar de Dados

Dr. Peter Zhou | Presidente da Linha de Produtos de Armazenamento de Dados da Huawei
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
10:45 - 11:00

Infraestrutura de dados líder, a base para o crescimento de alta qualidade

Carlos Eduardo Della Volpe | Especialista Sênior de Armazenamento e Backup de Dados, Banco do Brasil
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
11:00 - 11:15

Abrindo um novo capítulo para a transformação digital das rodovias mexicanas

Christian Vargas | Diretor de Tecnologia, Caminos y Puentes Federales (CAPUFE)
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
11:15 - 11:30

Protegendo ativos de dados contra ameaças imprevisíveis

Marcelo Cornélio | CEO, Instituto de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação do Estado do Espírito Santo
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
11:30 - 11:45

O poder dos dados: a conservação da biodiversidade na América Latina

Gabriel Quijandría | Diretor da Região da América Latina, União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza (IUCN)
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
11:45 - 12:00

OceanClub: Libere o poder dos dados juntos

Michael Qiu | Presidente do departamento de vendas de soluções e marketing global de armazenamento de dados da Huawei
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute

Fórum IDI | Finanças

14:30 - 16:00 | Infraestrutura de dados inovadora reformula os serviços financeiros
14:30 – 14:40

Discurso de Abertura

Neo Zhang | Diretor do Departamento de Sistemas do Setor Financeiro da Huawei na América Latina
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
14:40 – 15:00

Criando resiliência confiável de dados para finanças

Xia Qingwen | CTO, Departamento de Vendas de Soluções de Armazenamento de Dados, Huawei
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
15:00 – 15:20

Armazenamento Flash de todos os cenários da infraestrutura de dados financeiros

Rogeiro Antonio de Oliveira Junior | Especialista Sênior de Data Storage, Banco Itaú
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
15:15 – 15:35

Construção da plataforma de resiliência de dados

Marcos Gomes | CEO, América Tecnologia
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
15:40 – 16:00

Construindo uma infraestrutura de dados inovadora pronta para IA para alimentar a adoção da IA em finanças

Brian Gallagher | Consultor Executivo, Global Solutions
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute

Fórum IDI | Serviços Públicos

14:30 - 16:00 | Acelerando a Inteligência dos Serviços Públicos
14:30 – 14:40

Discurso de Abertura

Vitor Yu | Diretor do Departamento de Contas do Governo do Brasil
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
14:40 – 14:55

Tendências de transformação digital no serviço público

Santhosh Rao | Data Storage Senior Advisor, Former Gartner Analyst
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
14:55 – 15:00

Infraestrutura líder acelera a inteligência de serviço público

Breno Roberto Lopes Machado | Gerente de Produtos Sênior de Data Storage, Huawei
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
15:20 – 15:40

DCS Full-Stack Data Center

| Palestrante do cliente
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
15:40 – 16:00

Construção de um sistema de armazenamento de vídeo

Roberto Carlos Reyes Islas | C5 Puebla Director, Puebla, Mexico
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute

Fórum IDI | Sessão Técnica OceanStor

16:30 - 18:00 | Criando uma infraestrutura de dados líder para liberar o valor dos dados
16:30 – 16:50

Criando uma infraestrutura de dados líder para liberar o valor dos dados

Michael Fan | Vice Presidente da Linha de Produtos Data Storage, Huawei
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
16:50 – 17:10

All Flash Data Center, o fim dos HDDs

Filipe Padilha Testa | Engenheiro Técnico Chefe, Departamento de Vendas de Soluções de Data Center da Huawei Brasil
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
17:10 – 17:25

OceanProtect da Huawei, líder em proteção de dados em todos os cenários

Raphael Abrahao Hafner Domingos | Gerente de Produto Sênior, Departamento de Vendas de Soluções de Data Center da Huawei Brasil
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
17:25 – 17:40

Solução One-Stop de Gerenciamento de Infra e Dados na Era Gen-AI

Marcio Newton Oliveira | Gerente de Produto Sênior, Departamento de Vendas de Soluções de Data Center da Huawei no Brasil
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
17:40 – 17:55

DCS da Huawei: desenvolvendo data centers modernos com eficiência, resiliência, confiabilidade e inovação

Arturo Antonio Palma Carrascoza | Engenheiro Técnico Chefe, Departamento de Vendas de Soluções de Data Center da Huawei México
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute

Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute

Fórum IDI | Sessão do Parceiro

16:30 - 18:00 | Flash Forward para vencer juntos
16:30 – 16:40

Discurso de Abertura

Josh Li | Diretor do Departamento de Vendas Comerciais e de Distribuição do Brasil
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
16:40 – 17:10

Flash Forward para Acelerar a Transformação Inteligente e Digital para SMEs

Brian Gallagher | Arquiteto Chefe de Armazenamento
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
17:10 – 17:25

Construindo a infraestrutura de dados líder com a Huawei

Eduardo Silveira | Diretor Comercial
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
17:25 – 17:45

Abraçando um futuro mais inteligente com colaboração ilimitada

Zou Haitao | Executivo de Produto de IdeaHub, Domínio de Colaboração Inteligente da Huawei
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
17:35 – 17:55

Criando uma nova experiência de escritório com o IdeaHub da HUAWEI

Flavio Perez Lana | Team Leader Education, ATI Tecnologia Integrada
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute


Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute

Keynote | GOS

10:00 - 11:35 | F5G-A, a Fundação para a Inteligência Industrial

Prof.Yao Jianlin | Vice President, Soochow University
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
10:00 - 10:10

Discurso de abertura

Tony Sze | Presidente da Huawei Enteprise América Latina
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
10:10 - 10:30

Tecnologia avançada F5G para transformação digital e inteligente

Kim Jin | Vice Presidente & CMO da Huawei Optical Business Product Line
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute

Lançamento de novos produtos

Prof.Yao Jianlin | Vice President, Soochow University
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
10:30 - 10:45

Modernização de Rede ALLOHA

Fábio Abreu | VP de B2B e Network, Alloha
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
10:45 - 10:55

Wi-Fi Premium 2.0, promovendo a atualização da experiência de banda larga doméstica

Allen Fu | Vice presidente do Domínio de Rede Óptica NCE da Huawei
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
10:55 - 11:05

Solução e Aplicação de FTTO

Liu Lichun | Vice presidente de Domínio Óptico da Huawei Enterprise
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
11:05 - 11:15

Transformação digital para redes de produção de energia

Prof.Yao Jianlin | Vice President, Soochow University
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
11:15 - 11:25

Introdução e publicação do whitepaper fgOTN

Kevin Liu | Vice Presidente de Domínio Óptico Enterprise, Optical Business Product Line
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
11:25 - 11:35

Sensor óptico de alta precisão acelera a inteligência industrial

Leo Zhang | Vice Presidente de Domínio Óptico Huawei Enterprise
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
11:35 - 11:45

HOLOWITS: liderando o futuro da segurança por vídeo

Alexandre Mendes de Souza | Especialista de Produtos
11:45 - 11:50

Recrutamento de membros do OptiX Club

Hu Lin | Diretor do Departamento de Vendas de Soluções e Marketing de Rede Óptica de Enterprise da América Latina
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute

GOS Forum | F5G-Avançado, lançando novos valores para ISP

14:30 - 16:05
14:30 - 14:35

Discurso de Abertura

York Yuekun | Presidente da BU ISP
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
14:35 - 14:50

F5G avançado, liberando novos valores para ISP

Gu Yunbo | Presidente do Domínio de Negócios Ópticos da Huawei Enterprise
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
14:50 - 15:05

Compartilhamento de case: Prática de sucesso do FTTR

Renato Elias | Gerente de Produto e Aquisição de Estratégia de Marketing
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
15:05 - 15:20

Compartilhamento de casos: Prática de Wi-Fi Premium

Pablo Dias | COO
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
15:20 - 15:35

Compartilhamento de casos de atualização de rede de backbone

Rivaldo Ferreira | Vice Presidente do Setor de Serviços Públicos, SONDA
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
15:35 - 15:50

Fiber-in e Copper-out, facilitando a transformação do ISP 2B

Thyago Monteiro | Diretor de Engenharia, Connectoway
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
15:50 - 16:00

MiniFTTO, criando a melhor rede de experiências para pequenas e médias empresas

Paulo Panzani Duran | Gerente de Produtos Sênior de Optical da Huawei
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute

Prof.Yao Jianlin | Vice President, Soochow University
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute

Prof.Yao Jianlin | Vice President, Soochow University
Gao Kunlun | CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute


    Dr. Ahmed Hamdan Altheneyan

    Deputy Minister for Future Jobs and Digital Entrepreneurship

    Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

    Prof. Xiong, President of Soochow University and Director of the Institute of Biology and Medical Sciences, has served as: Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology under the Ministry of Health; Assistant to the President at Shanghai Medical University (now the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University); Vice-Dean of the Graduate School and Dean of Fudan College at Fudan University; Director of the Institute for Immunobiology of Fudan University;

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

    Gao Kunlun

    CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member

    Soochow University

    Gao Kunlun

    CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member

    Prof. Xiong, President of Soochow University and Director of the Institute of Biology and Medical Sciences, has served as: Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology under the Ministry of Health; Assistant to the President at Shanghai Medical University (now the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University); Vice-Dean of the Graduate School and Dean of Fudan College at Fudan University; Director of the Institute for Immunobiology of Fudan University;

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

    Gao Kunlun

    CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member

    Gao Kunlun

    CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member

    Soochow University

    Prof. Xiong, President of Soochow University and Director of the Institute of Biology and Medical Sciences, has served as: Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology under the Ministry of Health; Assistant to the President at Shanghai Medical University (now the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University); Vice-Dean of the Graduate School and Dean of Fudan College at Fudan University; Director of the Institute for Immunobiology of Fudan University;

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

    Gao Kunlun

    CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member

    Soochow University

    Prof. Xiong, President of Soochow University and Director of the Institute of Biology and Medical Sciences, has served as: Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology under the Ministry of Health; Assistant to the President at Shanghai Medical University (now the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University); Vice-Dean of the Graduate School and Dean of Fudan College at Fudan University; Director of the Institute for Immunobiology of Fudan University;

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

    Gao Kunlun

    CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member

    Soochow University

    Prof. Xiong, President of Soochow University and Director of the Institute of Biology and Medical Sciences, has served as: Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology under the Ministry of Health; Assistant to the President at Shanghai Medical University (now the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University); Vice-Dean of the Graduate School and Dean of Fudan College at Fudan University; Director of the Institute for Immunobiology of Fudan University;

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

    Gao Kunlun

    CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member

    Soochow University

    Prof. Xiong, President of Soochow University and Director of the Institute of Biology and Medical Sciences, has served as: Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology under the Ministry of Health; Assistant to the President at Shanghai Medical University (now the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University); Vice-Dean of the Graduate School and Dean of Fudan College at Fudan University; Director of the Institute for Immunobiology of Fudan University;

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

    Gao Kunlun

    CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member

    Soochow University

    Prof. Xiong, President of Soochow University and Director of the Institute of Biology and Medical Sciences, has served as: Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology under the Ministry of Health; Assistant to the President at Shanghai Medical University (now the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University); Vice-Dean of the Graduate School and Dean of Fudan College at Fudan University; Director of the Institute for Immunobiology of Fudan University;

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

    Gao Kunlun

    CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member

    Soochow University

    Prof. Xiong, President of Soochow University and Director of the Institute of Biology and Medical Sciences, has served as: Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology under the Ministry of Health; Assistant to the President at Shanghai Medical University (now the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University); Vice-Dean of the Graduate School and Dean of Fudan College at Fudan University; Director of the Institute for Immunobiology of Fudan University;

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

    Gao Kunlun

    CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member

    Soochow University

    Prof. Xiong, President of Soochow University and Director of the Institute of Biology and Medical Sciences, has served as: Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology under the Ministry of Health; Assistant to the President at Shanghai Medical University (now the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University); Vice-Dean of the Graduate School and Dean of Fudan College at Fudan University; Director of the Institute for Immunobiology of Fudan University;

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

For Speaker Information with Agenda

  • Gao Kunlun

    CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member

    Soochow University

    Prof. Xiong, President of Soochow University and Director of the Institute of Biology and Medical Sciences, has served as: Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology under the Ministry of Health; Assistant to the President at Shanghai Medical University (now the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University); Vice-Dean of the Graduate School and Dean of Fudan College at Fudan University; Director of the Institute for Immunobiology of Fudan University;

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.


    Developing Universities in the Intelligent Era

  • Gao Kunlun

    CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member

    Soochow University

    Prof. Xiong, President of Soochow University and Director of the Institute of Biology and Medical Sciences, has served as: Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology under the Ministry of Health; Assistant to the President at Shanghai Medical University (now the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University); Vice-Dean of the Graduate School and Dean of Fudan College at Fudan University; Director of the Institute for Immunobiology of Fudan University;

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.


    Developing Universities in the Intelligent Era

  • Gao Kunlun

    CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member

    Soochow University

    Prof. Xiong, President of Soochow University and Director of the Institute of Biology and Medical Sciences, has served as: Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology under the Ministry of Health; Assistant to the President at Shanghai Medical University (now the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University); Vice-Dean of the Graduate School and Dean of Fudan College at Fudan University; Director of the Institute for Immunobiology of Fudan University;

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.

  • Gao Kunlun

    CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member

    Soochow University

    Prof. Xiong, President of Soochow University and Director of the Institute of Biology and Medical Sciences, has served as: Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology under the Ministry of Health; Assistant to the President at Shanghai Medical University (now the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University); Vice-Dean of the Graduate School and Dean of Fudan College at Fudan University; Director of the Institute for Immunobiology of Fudan University;

    And Director of the Center for Gene Immunization and Vaccine Research. Prof. Xiong was elected as delegate to the 13th National People’s Congress, and was amember of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He also served as Vice-Chairman of the 12th and 13th Shanghai Municipal Committees of the China Democratic League, and Vice-Chairman of the 11th and 12th Jiangsu Provincial Committees of the China Democratic League.


  • Daniel Zhou


    Huawei Latin America

  • Tony Sze


    Huawei Latin America Enterprise

  • Yang Chaobin


    Huawei ICT Products & Solutions

  • Leong Wang


    Huawei Data Communication Product Line

  • Edward Au

    Editor Técnico

    IEEE 802.11be (Wi-Fi 7)

  • Wu Qin



  • Shawn Zhao


    Huawei Data Center Network Domain, Data Communication Product Line

  • Artur Wang


    Huawei Data Center Network Domain, Data Communication Product Line

  • Wang Hui


    Huawei NCE Data Communication Domain, Data Communication Product Line

  • Cai Jun

    Vice Presidente

    Huawei Network Security Domain, Data Communication Product Line

  • Mike Ma


    Network Security Domain, Data Communication Product Line, Huawei

  • Pietro Delai

    Diretor de Pesquisa, Infraestrutura de Dados Global


  • Dr. Peter Zhou


    Data Storage Product Line Huawei

  • Carlos Eduardo Della Volpe

    Especialista Sênior de Data Storage & Backup

    Banco do Brasil

  • Christian Vargas


    Caminos y Puentes Federales (CAPUFE)

  • Marcelo Cornélio


    Instituto de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação do Estado do Espírito Santo

  • Gabriel Quijandría

    Diretor da Região da América Latina

    International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

  • Michael Qiu

    Presidente do Departamento Global de Vendas de Soluções e Marketing de Armazenamento de Dados.


  • Xia Qingwen

    CTO, Departamento de Vendas de Soluções de Armazenamento de Dados.


  • Marco Gomes


    América Tecnología

  • Brian Gallagher

    Consultor Executivo

    Global Solutions

  • Vitor Yu

    Diretor do Departamento de Contas do Governo do Brasil


  • Santhosh Rao

    Conselheiro Sênior de Data Storage

    Former Gartner Analyst

  • Breno Roberto Lopes Machado

    Gerente de Produtos Sênior de Data Storage


  • Roberto Carlos Reyes Islas


    C5 Puebla

  • Michael Fan

    Vice Presidente da Linha de Produtos de Data Storage


  • Filipe Padilha Testa

    Engenheiro Líder

    Huawei Brazil Data Center Solution Sales Dept.

  • Raphael Abrahao Hafner Domingos

    Gerente de Produtos Sênior

    Huawei Brazil Data Center Solution Sales Dept

  • Marcio Newton Oliveira

    Gerente de Produtos Sênior

    Huawei Brazil Data Center Solution Sales Dept

  • Arturo Antonio Palma Carrascoza

    Engenheiro Líder

    Huawei Mexico Data Center Solution Sales Dept



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