Welcome Speech
Elevating Global Digital Productivity with Innovative Data Infrastructure
Trustworthy AI Systems
New Apps, New Data, New Resilience, Continuous Evolution of Data Storage
Superior IaaS Platform, Changing Finances for the Better
Build Next-Generation Innovative Solutions for Digital Transformation
The Digital Banking Evolution: Navigating the Landscape and Staying Ahead
Data Centre Sustainability
Ice Core - Memory of the Earth
Inspiring Innovation to Drive Industry Digital Transformation
ScaleUp, ScaleOut, …: “ScaleFlex” for the Next-Generation Database Engines
Delivering Resilience and Acceleration for the Digital Business
Pushing Technology Boundaries to Deliver True 3D Video
Innovating Financial Services with Upgraded Data Infrastructure
Storage Consolidation and Rapid Backup in a Multi-Data Center
Building the Last Line of Defense with a Comprehensive Ransomware Protection Storage Solution
Innovations towards Next-Generation Storage Architecture


Welcome Speech

Jim Lu

President of European Region, Senior Vice President, Huawei


Elevating Global Digital Productivity with Innovative Data Infrastructure

Yang Chaobin

Board Member, President of ICT Products & Solutions, Huawei


Trustworthy AI Systems

Joseph Sifakis

Turing Laureate, Emeritus Research Director, Verimag Laboratory


New Apps, New Data, New Resilience, Continuous Evolution of Data Storage

Dr. Peter Zhou

President of IT Product Line, Huawei


Superior IaaS Platform, Changing Finances for the Better

Thomas Willert

Head of EWS, EOS Technology Solutions

Build Next-Generation Innovative Solutions for Digital Transformation

Sahin Kurt

Technology and Cloud Solutions Leader, SabancıDx

The Digital Banking Evolution: Navigating the Landscape and Staying Ahead

Henry Aguda

President and CEO, UnionDigital Bank


Data Centre Sustainability

Mark Acton

Data Centre Consultant, Acton Consulting Ltd / EkkoSense Ltd


Ice Core - Memory of the Earth

Jiaojiao Hu

Founder and Chairman, Polar Hub

Rigmor Kristin Johnsen 

Project Advisor, Coordinator of Arctic Affairs, Polar Hub




Commercial Market Summit: Together, We Build a Solid Data Infrastructure for Enterprises


Welcome Speech

Xingchang Xia

Vice President, Huawei Enterprise Business Europe


Collaborate with Partners to Accelerate Digital Transformation of Enterprises

Michael Qiu

President, Global Data Center Marketing & Solution Sales Dept, Huawei Enterprise BG


Building Reliable, Simple, and Green Data Storage Infrastructure for the Commercial Market

Gaetano Pastore

Vice President, Ecosystem & Industry Development, Huawei Enterprise Business Europe


Growing with Partners in the European Commercial Market

Michael Wang

Director, Partner Development & Management, Huawei Enterprise Business Europe


Ultra-Efficient Digital Foundation Accelerates Business Transformation

Gianluca Rotondi

CEO,M.A.C Group


Delivering Simplified and Efficient Data Foundation for the Commercial Market with Huawei Storage

Youssef Abdul

Director of Business Development Dept., Arrow France

Education Session: Injecting New Resilience to Digital Transformation of Education


Welcome Speech

Joerg Karpinski

Sales Director Germany, Director Public Business Enterprise Business Group, Huawei


New Data Storage Resilience for Education Systems

Stephane Fritsch

Senior Solution Sales Manager, Huawei France


Delivering Always-On Data in a University Computing Environment

Enrico Venuto

CIO, Polytechnic University of Turin


OceanStor Pacific: Embracing New Workloads for Mass Unstructured Data

Michael Georgi

Senior Solution Sales Manager, Huawei Germany


Digital Transformation: University of Philippines

Dr. Emmanuel Lallana

Advisor for Digital Transformation, University of the Philippines


Facilitate High Education Innovation with Data Storage

Dr. Klaus Heihoff

Regional Manager, Itiso GmbH

Healthcare Session: Powering Healthcare with New Data


Welcome Speech

Karsten Mueller

Regional Sales Manager,Huawei Germany


Health Insights: Worldwide Healthcare Provider Digital Strategies

Silvia Piai

Research Director, IDC Europe


Digital Transformation Trends of IT Infrastructure in the Healthcare Industry

Simone Pretti

Enterprise WEU Healthcare Expert, Huawei


Huawei Digital Pathology Innovation Practices

Vito Wang

Overseas Marketing Director of KEBIO

Bang Chang

Senior Director, Enterprise Storage Market and Solutions

Finance Roundtable: Financial Data Sharing and Mobility in the Multi-Cloud Era


Welcome Speech

Ronald Wright Raffensperger

CTO, Digital Transformation Digital Finance Business, Huawei


Topic 1: Data Storage Trends and Requirements in Multi-Cloud Scenarios
Open Discussion

Chester Dino B. Velasco

Vice President and Head of Enterprise Communications, Collaboration & Security | Infrastructure Support Ops, UnionBank

Alexander Maslo

CTO of Huawei Enterprise Europe


Topic 2: How Should Data Infrastructure Evolve in Multi-Cloud Scenarios?
Open Discussion

Ning Wu

Chief Architect, Global Solution



Ronald Wright Raffensperger

CTO, Digital Transformation Digital Finance Business, Huawei


Coffee Break


MSP Session: Accelerating MSP Business Success with an Ultra-Efficient XaaS Data Foundation


Welcome Speech

Maurizio Campagnaro

Channel Director, Huawei Switzerland


Digital IT Transformation Trends in the MSP Industry

Luis Fernandes

Senior Research Manager, IDC Europe


Leading, Resilient, and Efficient Data Storage Foundation — The Ideal Choice for MSPs

Bill Raftery

Chief Storage Expert


How Huawei Storage Helps Partners Build an MSP Business Benchmark

Florent Gentric

CTO, Hosteur SAS


Efficient Data Storage Foundation, Accelerating Digital Transformation of MSPs

Felix Blumenstein

Key Account Manager, GELSEN-NET

Manufacturing Session: Accelerated Data, Accelerated Production and R&D


Welcome Speech

Alessandro Yang

Director of Integrated Industry Dept, Huawei Enterprise Europe


Dive into Digital: Huawei's Practices in Smart Manufacturing

Dr. Chung Yao Ying

Chief Expert of Intelligent Factory, Huawei


Accelerated Data, Accelerated Production and R&D

Alexander Hartmann

Regional IT Solution Director, Huawei Enterprise Europe


Say "NO" to Ransomware

Alexander Maslo

CTO of Huawei Enterprise Europe


Gala Dinner

*The agenda is subject to change.

Featured Speakers

Jim Lu

President of European Region, Senior Vice President, Huawei

Yang Chaobin

Board Member, President of ICT Products & Solutions, Huawei

Joseph Sifakis

Turing Laureate, Emeritus Research Director, Verimag Laboratory

Dr. Peter Zhou

President of IT Product Line, Huawei

Thomas Willert

Head of EWS, EOS Technology Solutions

Sahin Kurt

Technology and Cloud Solutions Leader, SabancıDx

Henry Aguda

President and CEO, UnionDigital Bank

Mark Acton

Data Centre Consultant, Acton Consulting Ltd / EkkoSense Ltd

Jiaojiao Hu

Founder and Chairman, Polar Hub

Bob Chen

Vice President of Enterprise BG, Huawei

Wolfgang Lehner

Director of the Institute of Systems Architecture, Head of the Database Technology Group, Technische Universität Dresden

Thomas Meyer

General Manager and Group Vice President, IDC Research EMEA

Sven Bliedung

CEO, Volucap

Ali Yazici

IT Manager, Kuveyt Türk

Stefan Schneider

Storage Leader, Abraxas Informatik AG

Hugo Doucet

Sales Director of Belgium & Luxemburg Enterprise BG, Huawei

Cheng Zhuo

Chief Technical Research Expert of Data Storage, Huawei

Joan Serra-Sagristà

Professor, Department of Information and Communications Engineering, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Silvia Piai

Research Director, IDC Europe

Joerg Karpinski

Sales Director Germany, Director Public Business Enterprise Business Group, Huawei

Stephane Fritsch

Senior Solution Sales Manager, Huawei France

Enrico Venuto

CIO, Polytechnic University of Turin

Dr. Emmanuel Lallana

Advisor for Digital Transformation, University of the Philippines

Dr. Klaus Heihoff

Regional Manager, Itiso GmbH

Chester Dino B. Velasco

Vice President and Head of Enterprise Communications, Collaboration & Security | Infrastructure Support Ops, UnionBank

Ning Wu

Chief Architect, Global Solution

Ronald Wright Raffensperger

CTO, Digital Transformation Digital Finance Business, Huawei

Xingchang Xia

Vice President, Huawei Enterprise Business Europe

Luis Fernandes

Senior Research Manager, IDC Europe

Michael Qiu

President, Global Data Center Marketing & Solution Sales Dept, Huawei Enterprise BG

Bill Raftery

Chief Storage Expert

Gaetano Pastore

Vice President, Ecosystem & Industry Development, Huawei Enterprise Business Europe

Florent Gentric

CTO, Hosteur SAS

Michael Wang

Director, Partner Development & Management, Huawei Enterprise Business Europe

Youssef Abdul

Director of Business Development Dept., Arrow France

Alexander Hartmann

Regional IT Solution Director, Huawei Enterprise Europe

Alexander Maslo

CTO of Huawei Enterprise Europe

Dr. Chung Yao Ying

Chief Expert of Intelligent Factory, Huawei

Alessandro Yang

Director of Integrated Industry Dept, Huawei Enterprise Europe

Gianluca Rotondi

CEO,M.A.C Group

Felix Blumenstein

Key Account Manager, GELSEN-NET


All-Scenario Flash Storage

The benefits of all-flash data centers in data acceleration, multi-cloud sharing, data resilience, and energy and emissions reduction


Improved full-service experience using flash, and ever-fast NAS performance with global scale-out file systems


Industry's first container storage active-active (A-A) disaster recovery (DR) through full integration into multi-cloud environments


Improved business resilience through full-lifecycle data protection


Enhanced energy efficiency with 50% lower consumption per TB

Mass Unstructured Data

Adapting to different industry scenarios, scale-out storage realizes a robust data foundation that delivers efficient hybrid workloads, streamlined data management, and high data resilience to unleash the full potential of each bit of data.


OceanStor Pacific for scientific research HPDA: Optimized scientific research efficiency thanks to the unified storage


OceanStor Pacific for media: No frame freezing during editing, with most stable response time for the media industry


OceanStor Pacific for financial document image: second-level search efficiency and high data resilience for up to 100-billion objects


OceanStor Pacific for converged medical imaging: Concurrent retrieval of over 1,000 images without frame freezing

Data Protection

Comprehensive data protection covering disaster recovery, backup, archiving, and ransomware protection


Geo-redundant 4DC DR solution (an upgrade of the 3DC solution): Two sites deployed in an active/standby setup, to maximize customers' investments


Ransomware protection storage solution: Builds the last line of defense for data security


OceanProtect Backup Storage: Rapid backup and recovery, efficient reduction, and solid resilience


Blu-ray storage: A smart choice for long-term retention of mass archive data

Storage for SMBs & Ecosystem

SMBs Exhibition Booth

Star products and scenario-based solutions with features of easyintegration, easy sales, fast delivery, simplified O&M, and excellent experience for SMBs


OceanStor Dorado 2000/3000 All-Flash Solution: Optimal choice for storage system requiring < 100 TB capacity


OceanStor Dorado 2000 + OceanProtect X3000: Entry-level primary and backup storage portfolio


OceanStor 2200/2600 Hybrid Flash Storage: More capacity, more cost-effectiveness


DME IQ: Intelligent, one-stop O&M cloud platform

Ecosystem Exhibition Booth

Ecosystem partners gather here to discuss emerging innovative applications and share success experience for data storage ecosystem platform building.

Green Storage

Entertain the concept of environmental protection and facilitate the sustainable development of data centers with the "3 + 1" green strategy.

Polar Hub

Polar Hub Exhibition: Ice cores record the history of the earth and data stores the civilization of mankind.

Quelles sont les nouveautés ?

Architecture Multi-Cloud

La centralisation des données et le déploiement d'applications dans des environnements Multi-Cloud deviendront à l'avenir l'architecture informatique optimale.

Données massives non structurées

Largement utilisées en entreprises, les données non structurées deviennent des données de production et de décision.

En savoir plus

Gestion intelligente des AIOps

Les accords de niveau de service de la gestion du stockage dans les centres de données sont améliorés grâce à la compréhension du réseau, à la visualisation, à l'automatisation et à l'intelligence (dépannage et O&M des performances).

En savoir plus

Stockage flash tous scénarios

Le stockage flash représente plus de 50 % du marché du stockage primaire, et l'ère du stockage flash tous scénarios est en marche.

En savoir plus

Protection contre les ransomware

Le stockage des données doit protéger contre les menaces liées à la résilience des données, en agissant comme dernière ligne de défense contre les attaques de ransomware.

En savoir plus

Stockage de données écologiques

Les modèles commerciaux de stockage flexible sont des mesures efficaces pour faire face à la croissance explosive des données, à l'incertitude économique et à la volonté d'atteindre la neutralité carbone.

En savoir plus

Quelles sont les nouveautés ?

Architecture Multi-Cloud

La centralisation des données et le déploiement d'applications dans des environnements Multi-Cloud deviendront à l'avenir l'architecture informatique optimale.

Stockage flash tous scénarios

Le stockage flash représente plus de 50 % du marché du stockage primaire, et l'ère du stockage flash tous scénarios est en marche.

En savoir plus

Données massives non structurées

Largement utilisées en entreprises, les données non structurées deviennent des données de production et de décision.

En savoir plus

Protection contre les ransomware

Le stockage des données doit protéger contre les menaces liées à la résilience des données, en agissant comme dernière ligne de défense contre les attaques de ransomware.

En savoir plus

Gestion intelligente des AIOps

Les accords de niveau de service de la gestion du stockage dans les centres de données sont améliorés grâce à la compréhension du réseau, à la visualisation, à l'automatisation et à l'intelligence (dépannage et O&M des performances).

En savoir plus

Stockage de données écologiques

Les modèles commerciaux de stockage flexible sont des mesures efficaces pour faire face à la croissance explosive des données, à l'incertitude économique et à la volonté d'atteindre la neutralité carbone.

En savoir plus

Pourquoiy participer ?

Découvrir les perspectives
d'avenir du secteur

Explorer le succès de
la transformation numérique

Découvrir de nouveaux
produits et de
nouvelles solutions

Découvrir des expériences
d'infrastructure de
données interactives

En apprendre plus sur
l'écosystème du secteur
du stockage et sur
les diverses applications

Échanger des informations
avec plusieurs canaux



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INFINITY Hotel & Conference Resort


Andreas-Danzer-Weg 1 – 3, 85716 Unterschleißheim, Munich, Allemagne