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Opening Speech

Mark Yang Mark Yang
Mark Yang

The Digital Transformation of Education: Towards Public Digital Learning

Fengchun Miao Fengchun Miao
Fengchun Miao

Accelerate the Digital Journey of Education

Nadim Abdulrahim Nadim Abdulrahim
Nadim Abdulrahim

NUS Network Journey

Tan Shui-Min Tan Shui-Min
Tan Shui-Min

Digital Journey in EXSUSA

Ana Margarita Reyes
                                                        Ana Margarita Reyes
Ana Margarita Reyes

Together Creating New Value

Elias Rizos Elias Rizos
Elias Rizos

From cloud computing to the Internet of Things (IoT), the wide-ranging application of technology is accelerating digital transformation in education. Emerging from the pandemic, new needs are arising, creating new challenges. But strengthened network construction fosters innovation, helping universities, for example, build smart campuses, improving the level of scientific research and innovation.

Points Of View

Points Of View

Points Of View
Points Of View
Next-gen ICTs are leading the digital transformation of education. Diversified learning channels, immersive experience, and learning anytime, anywhere have become the mainstream. Huawei teams up with solution partners to help customers construct a digital foundation, build high-level smart campuses and smart classrooms, digitalize teaching activities, and achieve intelligent teaching environments to promote scenario-based, experience-based, and interactive teaching for better education and higher research capabilities.
Mark Yang
Director, Education Dept., Global Public Sector, Enterprise BG, Huawei
Points Of View
Points Of View
Digital open schooling models are the manifestation of the digital transformation at the modes of provision of education, an open approach to the reinventing of schooling systems, which aim to build digital-real hybrid schooling models to ensure school education including knowledge learning, skills development, values fostering and social caring will be secured both under normal and emergency situations, and learning options will expanded to much broader dimensions. UNESCO-Huawei project on Technology-enabled Open Schools for All is making ground-breaking impact on the building and test of digital open schools in African countries. It is currently benefiting 15,000 students and 950,000 teachers directly in Ghana, Ethiopia and Egypt. National platforms and digital content for all learners and teachers.
Fengchun Miao
Chief of the Unit for Technology and AI in Education, UNESCO Headquarters
Points Of View
Points Of View
We live in an age of exponential growth of innovation. The acceleration of digital transformation adoption in the education industry is part of many national strategies. Huawei's dedicated portfolio simplifies the adoption of next-generation technology in the education digital transformation journey from digitizing collaborative smart classrooms to converged smart campuses, scientific research information sharing networks and talent cultivation.
Nadim Abdulrahim
Global Public Services Industry Expert, Global Public Sector, Enterprise BG, Huawei
Points Of View
Points Of View
NUS’ digital transformation journey has created a new-generation campus network with future-proof technologies to meet the demands of a highly digital campus. Our innovative and best-in-class 5G outdoor Wi-Fi solution powered by solar energy is a first in Singapore.
Tan Shui-Min
Chief Information Technology Officer, National University of Singapore
Points Of View
Points Of View
Technology is accelerating major changes in higher education. EXSUSA is actively pursuing university improvement by updating infrastructure and using innovative delivery methods with the support of Huawei's technology and creating a better lifelong learning experience.
Ana Margarita Reyes
CEO of Maiwei, the Technology and Innovation Company of EXSUSA, Panama
Points Of View
Points Of View
As Huawei's top ICT education partner in Greece, COSMOS has responded to the challenges of education digitization by choosing Huawei's converged campus network and smart classroom solutions to bring customers the value of one network management and business-on-the-go to better serve teachers and students in education.
Elias Rizos
BUs & Sales Private Sector Director, COSMOS, Greece


Mark Yang

Mark Yang

Chief Information Technology Officer, National University of Singapore

Fengchun Miao

Fengchun Miao

Chief of the Unit for Technology and AI in Education, UNESCO Headquarters

Nadim Abdulrahim

Nadim Abdulrahim

Global Public Services Industry Expert, Global Public Sector, Enterprise BG, Huawei

Tan Shui-Min

Tan Shui-Min

Chief Information Technology Officer, National University of Singapore

Ana Margarita Reyes

Ana Margarita Reyes

CEO of Maiwei, the Technology and Innovation Company of EXSUSA, Panama

Elias Rizos

Elias Rizos

BUs & Sales Private Sector Director, COSMOS, Greece