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    Huawei Network Summit 2022

    Una rete cloud intelligente
    per una migliore produttività digitale

    27 Settembre 2022 | Monaco di Baviera, Germania

Mentre il mondo inizia ad emergere dalla pandemia, è giunto il momento per i nostri leader e responsabili del cambiamento di guardare al futuro. Il futuro dell'Europa sarà decisamente digitale, evidenziando l'urgente necessità di promuovere una crescita sostenibile attraverso l'innovazione digitale alimentata dalla connettività intelligente.

A nome di Huawei, desideriamo invitarvi al Huawei Network Summit, che si terrà a Monaco di Baviera il 27 settembre 2022. Questo summit riunirà le migliori menti del settore per:

• Esplorare le innovazioni tecnologiche all'avanguardia nel campo della comunicazione dati

• Approfondire le continue innovazioni di Huawei in un contesto di incertezza economica e tecnica uncertainties.

• Entrare in contatto con leader del settore e pionieri della tecnologia e conoscere le best practice best practices.

• Reinventare la futura infrastruttura digitale intelligente, semplificata e green of the future.

Attraverso una serie di conferenze, sessioni e tavole rotonde, scambieremo idee con partner ed esperti di diversi settori per discutere delle questioni più urgenti di oggi.

Grazie per il vostro continuo sostegno e la vostra fiducia in Huawei. Vi aspettiamo al Huawei Network Summit per continuare il nostro dialogo ed esplorare le possibilità di far progredire la trasformazione digitale per creare insieme nuovo valore.



9:30–12:20 Keynote (GMT+2/CEST) - Location: BALLHAUSFORUM
9:35 - 9:40

Building an Innovative Foundation for the Intelligent World

David Wang | Executive Director of the Board, Chairman of ICT Infrastructure Managing Board, Huawei
9:40 - 9:45

Building a Digital Europe Together

Li Peng | President, West European Region, Huawei
9:45 - 10:10

Innovations Never Stop

Kevin Hu | President, Data Communication Product Line, Huawei
10:10 - 10:30

Cloud-Managed LAN, Enabling Digital Retail Store

Markus Karcher | Director of Infrastructure, Schwarz IT KG
10:30 - 10:45

SD-WAN Practice for B2B Customers

Rico Schoch | VP of B2B Connectivity, Swisscom
10:45 - 11:00

CloudCampus: Innovate to "Simplified", Maximize Connection Efficiency

Dennis Tossijn | CTO, Netherlands Enterprise Solution Department, Huawei
11:00 - 11:10

Dive into the Future of Wi-Fi Technologies

Dr. Osama Aboul Magd | Chairman, IEEE 802.11ax Standard Task Group
11:10 - 11:25

Network Evolution, Enabling the Transportation

Samir Kahoul | Director of Technology Program, SNCF
11:25 - 11:35

CloudWAN: Innovate with IPv6, Build Optimal Cloud Access Experience

Arkadiusz Giedrojc | CTO, CEE & Nordic European Enterprise Solution Department, Huawei
11:35 - 11:50

Multi-tenant Cloud SDN Data Center Network Practice

Levis Pereira | CTO, Abraxas Informatik AG
11:50 - 12:00

CloudFabric: Innovate to "Easy", Unleash Ultimate Computing Power

Alexander Maslo | CTO, WEU Enterprise Solution Department, Huawei
12:00 - 12:10

Riding the Waves of Autonomous Driving Network

Benoit Claise | CTO, Data Communication Intelligent O&M, Ireland Research Center, Huawei
12:10 - 12:20

IP Club Global Membership Program

Tao Sun | Senior VP, Marketing and Solution Department, WEU Enterprise, Huawei
Jianning Liu | President, Enterprise Network Marketing & Solution Department, Huawei

Technology Deep Dive Sessions

14:00–15:30 Technology Deep Dive Session: Campus Network

CloudCampus 3.0, an Ideal Choice for Flexible Digital Workplaces

Johan Westin | CTO of Enterprise Networks, Nordic Rep Office, Huawei

Wi-Fi 6 Advanced, Delivering a "200 Mbps @ Anywhere" Network Experience

Osama Aboul-Magd | Chair of the IEEE 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6) Task Group

WAN Optimization, Enabling a High-Quality Branch Interconnection Network

Richard Miller | Business Development Director, Enterprise BG, Huawei

L3 ADN for Campuses: "Zero Wait, Zero Interruption, and Zero Intervention" Network Services

Victor Jimenez | CTO of Enterprise Networks, Spain Rep Office, Huawei
14:00–15:30 Technology Deep Dive Session: Data Center Network

Gain Insight into Changes and Trends in the Data Center Domain, and New Information about the CloudFabric Solution

Christian Kuster | CTO of Enterprise Networks, Switzerland Rep Office, Huawei

How Huawei's L3.5 Autonomous Driving Network Facilitates Heterogeneous Multi-Cloud Network Deployment

Guillaume Antona | CTO of Enterprise Networks, France Rep Office, Huawei

How "1-3-5" Intelligent O&M Ensures Hassle-Free Network O&M

Yashar Ganjali | Director of Data Center Networking, Huawei

Why Lossless Ethernet is the Best Choice for Storage Networks

Alberto Bayo | CTO of Enterprise Networks, Spain Rep Office, Huawei

Industry Sessions

14:00–15:00 FSI Session

Regulatory View on Network in the Finance Industry

Magnus Krüger | Financial Services Director, PWC

Huawei Financial Cloud-Network Builds New Connectivity for Smart Finance

Peter Kruth | Europe FSI CTO, Enterprise BG, Huawei

Explore and Practice the Intelligent O&M of Financial Services

Wizard He | Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer, Netis Technologies Co., Ltd.
14:00–15:15 Public Service Session

The European Public Service Sector Is Accelerating Digital Transformation from Connected to Transformative Development Category

Massimiliano Claps | Research Director in the European IDC Government Insights Team, IDC

Improving NURSING HOME with Huawei Wi-Fi 6

José María Molina | SOCIAL SERVICES in Junta de Castilla y León (Spain)

Digitalization in Kindergarten

Philipp Dicke | CIO of COMRAMO IT Holding AG

Huawei Government Cloud-Network Solution Accelerates Digital Transformation of Governments

Alexandre Grandeaux | CTO of Enterprise Networks, Italy Rep Office, Huawei

Huawei's CloudFabric Solution: One-Network and Multi-Cloud Collaboration Breaks Down Data Siloes

Alexander Maslo | CTO of Enterprise Networks, West European Region, Huawei
14:00–15:00 Retail Session

The Secret to Centralized Management of Numerous Stores at Muller

Damian Rick | Project Engineer Network, Müller

IP Networks Empower Digital Retail Stores

Frederic Redant | CIO, Infomil

Enabling Sustainable and Human-Centered Commerce

Guillaume Portier | Executive Vice President, SES-imagotag

Huawei Smart Retail Solution, Ideal for Digital New Retail

Henning Czerny | CTO of Enterprise Networks, Germany Rep Office, Huawei
14:00–15:05 MSP Session

Forrester: NaaS Set to Reshape the Enterprise Network Market Landscape

Dan Bieler | Principal Analyst, Forrester

The Cloud Networks Germany GmbH: The Wi-Fi Service Provider's View – Retail Insights

Tim Gülicher | Managing Director, The Cloud Networks Germany GmbH

Claranet: The New Vision of Intelligent NaaS

João Justo Gonçalves | Business Development Manager, Claranet

Veltwerk:Wi-Fi as a Service for the Dutch Schools

Reijer van Wegen | CEO, Veltwerk

Huawei Empowers Network as a Service to Grow with MSPs Together

Marcus Mroczkowski | Senior Product Manager, Germany Rep Office, Huawei

Gala Dinner

19:00–22:00 Gala Dinner

*L'agenda è soggetta a possibili cambiamenti


  • David Wang

    David Wang

    Executive Director of the Board, Chairman of ICT Infrastructure Managing Board, Huawei

  • David Li

    Li Peng

    President, West European Region, Huawei

  • Kevin Hu

    Kevin Hu

    President, Data Communication Product Line, Huawei

  •  Markus Karcher

    Markus Karcher

    Director of Infrastructure, Schwarz IT KG

  • Rico Schoch

    Rico Schoch

    VP of B2B Connectivity, Swisscom

  • Dennis Tossijn

    Dennis Tossijn

    CTO, Netherlands Enterprise Solution Department, Huawei

  • Dr. Osama Aboul Magd

    Dr. Osama Aboul Magd

    Chairman, IEEE 802.11ax Standard Task Group

  • Samir Kahoul

    Samir Kahoul

    Director of Technology Program, SNCF

  •  Levis Pereira

    Levis Pereira

    CTO, Abraxas Informatik AG

  • Alexander Maslo

    Alexander Maslo

    CTO, WEU Enterprise Solution Department, Huawei

  •  Arkadiusz Giedrojc

    Arkadiusz Giedrojc

    CTO, CEE & Nordic European Enterprise Solution Department, Huawei

  • Benoit Claise

    Benoit Claise

    CTO, Data Communication Intelligent O&M, Ireland Research Center, Huawei

  • Tao Sun

    Tao Sun

    Senior VP, Marketing and Solution Department, WEU Enterprise, Huawei

  • David Wang

    David Wang

    Executive Director of the Board, Chairman of ICT Infrastructure Managing Board, Huawei

  • David Li

    Peng Li

    President, West European Region, Huawei

  • Kevin Hu

    Kevin Hu

    President, Data Communication Product Line, Huawei

  •  Markus Karcher

    Markus Karcher

    Director of Infrastructure, Schwarz IT KG

  • Rico Schoch

    Rico Schoch

    VP of B2B Connectivity, Swisscom

  • Dennis Tossijn

    Dennis Tossijn

    CTO, Netherlands Enterprise Solution Department, Huawei

  • Dr. Osama Aboul Magd

    Dr. Osama Aboul Magd

    Chairman, IEEE 802.11ax Standard Task Group

  • Samir Kahoul

    Samir Kahoul

    Director of Technology Program, SNCF

  •  Levis Pereira

    Levis Pereira

    CTO, Abraxas Informatik AG

  • Alexander Maslo

    Alexander Maslo

    CTO, WEU Enterprise Solution Department, Huawei

  •  Arkadiusz Giedrojc

    Arkadiusz Giedrojc

    CTO, CEE & Nordic European Enterprise Solution Department, Huawei

  • Benoit Claise

    Benoit Claise

    CTO, Data Communication Intelligent O&M, Ireland Research Center, Huawei

  • Tao Sun

    Tao Sun

    Senior VP, Marketing and Solution Department, WEU Enterprise, Huawei

Storie di successo

Prodotti e Soluzioni


INFINITY Hotel & Conference Resort, Monaco di Baviera, Germania

Perché Huawei

Huawei è un'azienda leader nel settore della trasmissione dati a livello globale e continua il suo impegno all'insegna del motto "IP on Everything". Sfruttando i propri prodotti della serie "Engine" (AirEngine, CloudEngine, NetEngine e HiSecEngine), la suite completa di soluzioni di rete cloud intelligenti accelera la trasformazione digitale di diversi settori. Ad oggi, le soluzioni di comunicazione dati di Huawei sono la scelta di innumerevoli clienti di diversi settori tra cui istruzione, pubblica amministrazione, trasporti, finanza ed energia in oltre 150 Paesi e regioni. Guardando al futuro, Huawei continuerà ad innovare le proprie soluzioni di rete cloud intelligenti, lavorando insieme ad un maggior numero di clienti, partner e colleghi del settore per innovazioni congiunte e collaborazioni commerciali approfondite al fine di creare una nuova era di reti cloud intelligenti.

Aziende Fortune Global 500
Organizzazioni governative
Società finanziarie
Istituzioni scolastiche

Entra a far parte dell'IP Club

L'IP Club è una community che HUAWEI ha creato per ospitare una piattaforma aperta e cooperativa per consentire agli opinion leader del settore IP di condividere idee e opinioni. All'IP Club, potrai trovare le migliori menti del settore, oltre ad esperti di tecnologia di rete da tutto il mondo, per avere conversazioni stimolanti sulle tendenze future dello sviluppo della rete, esplorare nuove opportunità, condividere prospettive sulla trasformazione digitale e tracciare la strada da seguire.