GIV 2025: Blueprint of an Intelligent World
Produits, solutions et services pour les entreprises
Recently, Huawei announced a new vision and mission: bringing digital connectedness to every person, home, and organization for a fully connected, intelligent world. To further explain its thoughts on the ICT industry’s role in the intelligent world, Huawei released Global Industry Vision (GIV) 2025, the industry blueprint for the intelligent world.
Modern ICT has ushered us into a fourth industrial revolution. Where the first three corresponded to the rise of steam power, electrical power, and digital technologies, respectively, the fourth industrial revolution is founded on ICT networks and driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is leading us into an intelligent world where all things will have sensory capabilities, become connected, and grow intelligent.
On the path toward an intelligent world, ubiquitous sensing, high-speed connections, and the sharing of knowledge will lead to unprecedented growth and value creation. Data will become an inexhaustible resource. Intelligence will determine how the value of data is transformed and delivered. Connections will carry massive quantities of data, and enable the exchange of data and the creation of smart value. The digital world is gradually being delivered to every person, home, and organization, and this is having an unprecedented impact on life, business, and society. These changes will lead to a digital economy valued at USD 23 trillion (CNY 146 trillion).
An intelligent world that exceeds our expectations will be made possible when all things can sense, all things are connected, and all things are intelligent. GIV forecasts that by 2025, there will be 40 billion AI-enabled personal smart devices, 90 percent of which will have an intelligent personal assistant. Twelve percent of homes will host some kind of robot, and will be more capable of unleashing individuals’ enormous potential as they become supported by sensors, two-way human-machine communication, and proactive information services. At the business and societal levels, GIV 2025 predicts that there will be 100 billion connections by 2025, helping to drive digital transformation in domains including public utilities, transportation, manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and finance. By that time, 85 percent of enterprise applications will be on the cloud, 86 percent of global companies will adopt AI, and data utilization rates will skyrocket to 80 percent. This means we will see 180 billion TB of data generated every year, which in turn will act as a constant source of innovative intelligence and value creation.
Amidst this momentous transformation, the ICT industry assumes the responsibility of creating +Intelligence. +Intelligence is the application of cloud computing, Big Data, and AI to every industry, object, and person. It is the backbone that will support the coming intelligent world. The ICT industry must first intelligently transform itself, and then move to help all other industries go intelligent.
The data provided in GIV 2025 pertains to more than 170 countries and regions, and came from Huawei as well as from international organizations, consulting companies, and industry manufacturers. GIV 2025 breaks down the quantitative data based on the three major enabling forces of the intelligent world: ubiquitous sensing, more and better connections, and the emergence of intelligence in data usage. GIV 2025 contains three core findings.
The start of the intelligent world will be marked by the ability of all things to sense and by the creation of 100 billion new connections. As the ability of people and things to sense and connect improves across-the-board, entirely new points of interaction will be created in the intelligent environment built by data.
GIV 2025 provides multiple key quantifiable metrics relating to the number of smart devices, the penetration rate of various sensory methods, the number of connections, bandwidth, and communications traffic. Additional descriptions and analysis of how these metrics enable the development of the intelligent world are provided.
GIV 2025 predicts that by 2025:
• There will be more than 40 billion smart devices around the world. The role of these devices will evolve from being mere tools to being active assistants, and 90 percent of smart devices will have smart assistant functions.
• Wearables will see rapid growth. More than 440 million applications utilizing AR/VR will create new ways of absorbing and processing information.
• Mobile communications network coverage will reach 6.5 billion people. Gigabit access coverage will exceed 30 percent. Ubiquitous connectivity will gradually even out the unbalanced development between individuals and between regions.
In light of this, data will become the productive force in an intelligent environment, and will provide people with an intelligent experience across all scenarios as the integration of the digital and physical worlds deepen. As a result, the average person will experience enormous expansion of their senses and other capabilities, and the disabled will regain prior abilities. In the coming era, people will be able to do more than they ever imagined, and people with disabilities will live normal lives.
‘Things’ will be able to sense and connect in ways never seen or imagined before. By 2025, there will be more than 100 billion connected things around the world. Connected people, things, and devices will all be able to interact and exchange information. As this happens, information silos will virtually melt away and connections will be faster, more secure, and smarter than they are today. The ultra-fast network formed by 100 billion connections will expand into every corner of the physical world. The efficiency gains unleashed by this network will result in unprecedented levels of productivity. The network will drive increasing returns in all industries, and open the door to achieving new scaled growth through the full digitization of assets.
The ubiquity of intelligence will generate massive amounts of data. AI will serve society as a general-purpose technology. The massive quantities of data linked to the cloud will drive the rapid evolution of smart algorithms which will, in turn, provide intelligent foundational resources that can be shared by all. +Intelligence platforms and AI will become the springboards upon which enterprises improve themselves throughout their lifecycles. Every enterprise will have to move data streams to +Intelligence platforms in order to survive and thrive. In this way, GIV 2025 traces out a roadmap for how +Intelligence platforms can enable industry development, which can act as a reference for industries as they hammer out their strategic direction.
This means that enterprises lacking cloud capabilities will disappear as we enter the intelligent world. Conversely, enterprises that take early steps to differentiate themselves by using +Intelligence will gain competitive advantages and reap significant dividends. More accurate decision-making, more efficient operations, and more specialized and innovative products will give enterprises that take this path a first-mover advantage in the intelligent world. Enormous dividends can be reaped by improving the ability to sense, collect, and use data, and by incorporating AI to improve productivity. This process can turn traditional industry resources into high-value knowledge resources. In fact, some farsighted traditional enterprises and cities with underdeveloped infrastructure are currently working to ride the wave of +Intelligence platforms. These frontrunners are aiming to accelerate the iterative development of technology and drive demand.
In the intelligent world, data is what balances out supply and demand; it is the leverage used to optimize the structure. Every connection that can sense is like an oil well. Cloud and AI are the refining plants, which collect, transmit, and refine data, and then send it to the source of demand for further ‘purification’ and re-utilization. This cycle is the foundational phenomenon of an intelligent world.
Research shows that many cities and organizations are already working quickly to seize the first-mover advantage in the deployment of intelligent innovation platforms, aiming to lead in the intelligent world. These cities and organizations are all increasing the scope of their data collection, improving connection transmission efficiency, and strengthening their smart algorithm capabilities. GIV 2025 outlines an industry roadmap for all of society to do the same and make the most of what this new world presents.
Sensing enables intelligence. Intelligence improves perception. And perception reinforces sensing. This is a cycle of ever increasing intelligence. The evolution of intelligence, a process that has been taking place in humans over many millennia, is now playing out amongst tens of millions of ‘things’ in the world. The power of data will drive this evolution from three perspectives: sensing, connectedness, and intelligence, accelerating the evolution of intelligence millions of times over.
More importantly, the revolution in intelligence will bring new intelligent capabilities to every person, home, and organization. We are on the cusp of a new era. Three forces — universal sensing, more and better connections, and the emergence of intelligence in data usage — will combine to make the intelligent world a reality and drive society to grow and develop in entirely new ways.
The ICT industry will assume the important role of creating +Intelligence, which when paired with 5G, cloud, video, the IoT, AI, blockchain, and other technologies will integrate the ICT industry, unleashing enormous industrial potential and kick-starting a new wave of economic development. They will further change the way people live and work, and ultimately reshape society as a whole.
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