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    e-Government: Contributing to a Digital China

There are many incentives for governments to undergo digital transformation. Digital governments can utilize data-driven decision-making and modern governance. They can provide stakeholder-centric services that cater to the needs of citizens and businesses alike, plus they can more easily drive mass innovation and contribute to the eco-friendly, sustainable growth of cities. By working with a wide range of partners and leveraging a comprehensive portfolio of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solutions, Huawei is a driving force behind this digital transformation.

To begin, Huawei plans to develop smart cities and a digital economy by working with customers on the following fronts:

  • Laying the foundation for a digital economy by building a modern ICT infrastructure
  • Facilitating data sharing to allow a free flow of information and fuel economic growth
  • Enabling the digital transformation of various industries to kick start industrial innovation
  • Improving city management by building an ‘intelligent brain’ for each city, which benefits the general public and businesses at large

Future-Ready e-Government Clouds and Big Data Analytics

Huawei leverages innovative products and technologies to drive the digitization of governments at all levels, helping solve problems and create value.

In China, the government is behind over 60 percent of IT investments. Huawei helps government customers make the shift from procuring IT products, such as servers and storage, to using cloud services on a subscription basis. Huawei also helps customers migrate all legacy Information Technology (IT) applications to the cloud, run core applications, and analyze data on an e-Government Cloud Solution. This enables them to reap the benefits of cloud computing.

Over the course of government digitization, Huawei not only provides technical support for the operations and management of an e-Government cloud, but it also continues to drive the transformations of organizational structures, budgeting, and investment policies, creating extra value for all its government customers.

So far, Huawei has successfully delivered 350+ e-Government cloud projects in China, including 22 national e-Government clouds, 18 provincial clouds, and 310+ county-level clouds. According to the 2017 IDC MarketScape report, Huawei ranked number one in both the e-Government cloud and big data markets of China. Huawei also appeared in the Leaders quadrant as an e-Government big data provider in China. In the future, adhering to its ‘Platform + Ecosystem’ strategy, Huawei will enable a digital future for the entire industry by continuing to work with thousands of partners to create an open, win-win e-Government cloud ecosystem.

‘One Cloud + One Lake + One Platform’ Drives Government Transformation

Throughout China, Huawei is driving the development of e-Government clouds and big data analytics by collaborating with ecosystem partners and leveraging its ‘One Cloud + One Lake + One Platform’ strategy. This strategy is helping accelerate data integration and sharing across various government information systems. Huawei aims to provide a platform where partners and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) can all contribute their expertise to a thriving e-Government ecosystem, driving their digital transformation.

  • ‘One Cloud’ is a converged computing cloud with unified delivery, management, and IT infrastructure services.
  • ‘One Lake’ is an e-Government data lake that aggregates data from all sources and helps customers effectively manage it, turning data resources into data assets. The application data is drawn directly from the lake and does not need to be repeatedly collected. This e-Government data lake manages the data lifecycle, which includes data collection, storage, computing, management, and use. It also supports on-demand data acquisition and usage.
  • ‘One Platform’ is an application enablement platform that provides a unified service portal by integrating basic data services, general-purpose middleware, and middleware unique to government services. This simplifies middleware management for government offices and bureaus. It also implements application-centric hybrid encapsulation services. ‘One Platform’ solves typical government IT problems, such as small platforms versus heavyweight applications, repetitive and wasteful investments, and overly complex Operations and Maintenance (O&M). It allows unified development and deployment of applications, facilitating the genuine convergence of government services.

Growing a Full-Stack e-Government Ecosystem

Going forward, Huawei will continue to provide digital government solutions by cooperating with ecosystem partners. Huawei’s open partner platform will serve as the ‘fertile soil’ where applications can grow and thrive.

HUAWEI CLOUD Stack (HCS), Huawei’s full-stack hybrid cloud solution, offers end-to-end solutions for government customers, and it provides a solid technical foundation for ecosystem partners. With this foundation, partners can focus on application innovation without the burden of excessive technical and administrative details. This collaborative effort will create a thriving ecosystem with state-of-the-art digital government solutions.
