
IDC Insight and Huawei Brand-new Campus Switches

  • In the digital transformation era, applications are migrated to the cloud and the volume of enterprise egress traffic surges.

  • In the digital transformation era, applications are migrated to the cloud and the volume of enterprise egress traffic surges.

Maximum Input Current

Huawei’s Intent-Driven SD-WAN Solution provides on-demand interconnection between branches, between branches and data centers, and between branches and the cloud. It delivers ultimate experience in enterprise interconnection through application-based intelligent traffic steering and acceleration, a series of open universal computing gateways (uCPEs), and cloud-based visualized O&M.

  • In the digital transformation era, applications are migrated to the cloud and the volume of enterprise egress traffic surges.

  • In the digital transformation era, applications are migrated to the cloud and the volume of enterprise egress traffic surges.

Maximum Input Current

Huawei’s Intent-Driven SD-WAN Solution provides on-demand interconnection between branches, between branches and data centers, and between branches and the cloud. It delivers ultimate experience in enterprise interconnection through application-based intelligent traffic steering and acceleration, a series of open universal computing gateways (uCPEs), and cloud-based visualized O&M.

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