Building an Ecosystem for an Intelligent, Full-Stack Cloud
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After 60 years of groundwork, cloud and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology are finally mature enough for large-scale deployment. Industry innovations that once sounded like science fiction are no longer mere concepts. Behind digital government, safe city, Internet finance, autonomous driving, and unmanned retail are countless application providers, developers, and infrastructure vendors that are continually reaching for higher intelligence.
At Huawei, we have built on our core competencies in chips, algorithms, and architecture to develop a ‘Platform + Ecosystem’ strategy. Our comprehensive platform, exhaustive selection of products, and end-to-end solutions support and empower partner innovations from every industry. We are committed to creating more value for customers by infusing intelligence into our infrastructure and building a solid foundation for the digital world.
By leveraging our collaborative ‘Connectivity + Computing + Cloud’ synergy, we are able to provide an intelligent, automated, and information-driven platform for partners’ content, applications, and algorithms. Together, we will build a thriving ecosystem and usher in a fully connected, intelligent world.
This new era brings unprecedented opportunities for everyone. We will continue to work with partners to make even greater contributions.
Let’s reshape the future with AI and full-stack clouds.